!!Enterprise Licenses Only\\
This plugin allows you to delegate access of OAuth providers. On the CrushFTP's login page next to the login button will appear the enabled provider's "__Signed in"__ button".\\
Currently __Google Sign-In__, __Microsoft Sign-In__, __Azure Active Directory B2C Sign in__ and __Amazon Cognito Sign in__ are supported.\\
!1. Google Sign-In\\
See [Google Sign in Configuration]\\
!2. Microsoft Sign-In\\
See [Microsoft Sign in Configuration]\\
!3. Azure Active Directory B2C\\
See [Azure Active Directory B2C Configuration]\\
!4. Amazon Cognito\\
See [Amazon Cognito Configuration]\\
!5. Plugin Settings\\

__1.__ Username matching -> It filters the OAuth user name (Google Auth: email address, Microsoft Auth: user principle name). You can put multiple value separated by comma. Domain filter is allowed to (like *mydomain.com).\\
__2.__ Allowed authentication types\\
    __A.__ Skip OTP processing -> \\
    __B.__ Get Cognito user info -> \\
__4.__ OAuth only used for Authentication (User manager then defines user's access.) -> If users already exists with username of the OAuth, you can use the plugin just for authentication.\\
__5.__ Template Username -> The signed in user inherits no just the settings, but the VFS items too (as Linked VFS).\\
Import settings from CrushFTP user -> The signed in user inherits just the settings from this user. __It must have a value! __Default value would be : __default__ -> the default user of CrushFTP\\
__7.__ VFS related settings : You can also assign a VFS item for the signed in user.\\