!!Enterprise Licenses Only\\
!!__CrushOAuth Plugin__\\
This plugin allows you to delegate access of OAuth providers.\\
Currently only __Google Sign__ in is supported.\\
!__Google Sign-In__\\
You will start at the API credentials manager:\\
You first need to make a project.  My example calls this CrushFTP-Test.\\
Next select create credentials, and choose the Web Application type.\\
When configuring the credential, you have to tell Google the domain you will be originating from when creating the auth token, so this is the URL you use for server administration.  Just the protocol://dns_or_ip:port   Don't have a trailing slash or it will complain.\\
You also need to put in the redirect URL of where google is going to send back the Id token (Id Token : That will be used for authentication of the google user).
!__Integrate Google Sign-In button__\\