!Notify users of expired password.

This task flow, needs CrushFTP 7.2.0_28 and an enterprise license to be able to use the "conditional" logic from the jump task and the millis variable.

You need to create a new job in the jobs, tab.

Step1 is to read and create the UserList of the users or groups we work with.

So we first link a variable from the user object loaded in step 1, and parse out its date format into milliseconds.  Then we do a comparison with that value, versus the current milliseconds, minus 1 days worth.  If the expire time is sooner than 1 day ago, we send an email.

Step2: UserVariable, expire_millis = {parse_start:MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss aa}{expire_password_when}{parse_end}

Step3: Jump conditional, {expire_mills} greater than {add_start:-86400000}{millis}{add_end}

Step4: true, send email, false, do nothing