!Notify users of expired password.\\

This task flow, needs CrushFTP and an enterprise license to be able to use the "conditional" logic from the jump task and the math variable.\\

You need to create a new job in the jobs, tab.\\

Step1 is to read and create the UserList of the users or groups we work with.\\

So we first link a variable from the user object loaded in step 1, and parse out its date format.  Then we do a comparison with that value, versus the current date, minus 1 days worth.  If the expire time is sooner than 1 day ago, we send an email. In this task all users that have the password expiration sooner then 7 days will be notified every day for the password update.\\

Step1: We check if the user's expiration is not set.

Step2: We check if the user has password expiration set so that only these users will be notified.\\

Step3: Using the math variable we can determine the user expiration time from the current starting time:
    {math_start:l}{parse_start:MM/dd/yyyy HH~..~mm~..~ss aa}{expire_password_when}{parse_end}-{now}{math_end}

Step4: true, send email, false, do nothing\\