!!Enterprise Licenses Only\\
__Prerequisits:__ on the Preferences panel [Misc page|Misc] need to set the __Remember invalid usernames__ parameter value to __0__ and clear the __HTTP Redirect Base__ field value. This is a __must__ with any plugin integration scenario.
Amazon supports custom SAML 2.0 applications. See [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/singlesignon/latest/userguide/samlapps.html]\\
__Restriction!!!__: Redirect of CrushFTP user to the SAML provider is not supported.\\
!1. Amazon SSO SAML 2.0 Configurations:
Open the IAM Identity Center Console [https://console.aws.amazon.com/singlesignon] and create a new custom application.\\
Configure the name, Application ACS URL, and SAML Audience, then submit the application.\\
Application ACS URL example:
SAML Audience example:
Configure the attribute mappings of your application.\\
Add new attribute mapping.\\
Maps to this string value or user attribute in IAM Identity Center:
__Warning:__ Assign users/groups to the created application!\\
!2. SAMLSSO plugin configuration\\
Download the __IAM Identity Center SAML metadata__ file.\\
[Amazon SSO SAML 2.0 Configuration]                                    [CrushFTP settings] 

entityID value of IAM Identity Center SAML metadata XML file        -> SAML Provider URL (EntityID)

Application SAML audience                                           -> SAML Audience

SingleSignOnService SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST Location value 
of IAM Identity Center SAML metadata XML file                       -> IDP Redirect URL (HTTP-POST)

IAM Identity Center SAML issuer URL                                 -> SAML Issuer

X509Certificate value of IAM Identity Center SAML metadata XML file -> Base64 encoded PEM Signing certificate
On CrushFTP SAMLSSO plugin for "__Authentication type:__" set "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport".\\