About OAUTH2 for authentication: [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-user]\\
!!!Microsoft Graph Application Registration
It requires Microsoft Graph Application registration. Start at the Microsoft Azure portal:\\
__Application registration: __Go to the App registrations and click on New registration:\\
Name it. Select the Multitenant and personal Microsoft accounts type. The redirect URL must end with register_microsoft_graph_api/. Then click on register.\\
Under the redirect URL configuration enable the __Access Token__ to be issued by the authorization endpoint:\\
[attachments|SMTP Microsoft Graph XOAUTH 2 Integration/enable_access_token.png]\\
__API permission:__ You also need to provide permission for the Microsoft Graph. Go to the Api permission. Click on Add permission, and select Microsoft Graph. Choose Delegated permission and add the "
SMTP. Send" or/and "IMAP.AccessAsUser.All" permission:\\
__Client id: __ You can find it at Azure portal -> App Registration -> Overview:\\  
__Secret key:__ A new client secret also needs to be created. Go to the "Certificate & secrets" and generate a new secret key. Click on New client secret:\\
__!!!Warning__: Make sure that the user's __SMTP AUTH__ is enabled, otherwise SMTP authentication will fail. See description: [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/authenticated-client-smtp-submission].\\
__Office 365__:Navigate to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center. [https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home?#/homepage]. Select the user and enable authentication for SMTP. SMTP authentication will fail without that. The user must be real user ( Users with authentication possibility), and with a license.\\
!!!SMTP settings\\
Provide the SMTP server used for emailing (like smtp.office365.com)\\
Click on the "Get Refresh Token" button.\\
__In order to get the Refresh token, CrushFTP WebInterface's host and port number must match with the redirect URL specified at Azure Application Registration.__\\
Provide the Client Id and Secret (from Azure App Registration) and "common" for the tenant input field.\\
Click on the OK button, and allow CrushFTP to have access to send email. __You must sign in with the Microsoft Account which has permission to send email!!!__ (SMTP.send is user-specific permission) As the end of the result, the SMTP Username and Password will fill the Client ID and the Refresh Token.\\
It is required to provide the from email address too.\\
Make sure the IMAP protocol is enabled for the user. See the description: [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/pop3-and-imap4/enable-or-disable-pop3-or-imap4-access].\\ __Office 365__:Navigate to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center. [https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home?#/homepage]. Select the user and enable the IMAP protocol at "Manage email apps".\\
Provide the host and click on the Get Refresh Token button.\\
__In order to get the Refresh token, CrushFTP WebInterface's host and port number must match with the redirect URL specified at Azure Application Registration.__\\
Because the email address is essential after you got the refresh token, the Mail Username input field needs to be modified.\\
Put your email address ended with a tilde(~) at the beginning of the Mail Username input field.\\
Mail Username : <<your email address>>~<<what was before>> 