In this area __[AS2 or AS3|AS2 EDI]__ payload cryptography related settings are configured.\\ 
[{Image src='as2_user_options2.jpg' width='1440' height='..' align='left' style='..' class='..' }]\\
__AS2/3 Decryption Key__\\
__Keystore Path:__ the path of an x509 cert store holding the private key used for decryption.\\
__Keystore format:__ dropdown selector, allows choosing the keystore format type, Java JKS and generic p12 PFX formats are supported.\\	
__Keystore Password:__ enter the password of the keystore here\\	
__Key name(alias):__ the cert identifier (internal name). We load the cert based on it's alias, in case the keystore has multiple certs.\\	
__Key Password:__ the protection password of the private key inside the keystore. In case of JKS type keystores, keystore and key passwords are always identical. PFX may contain unprotected private key, in that case, this field needs to be left empty.\\