__About Azure Directory B2C__ : [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/overview]\\
CrushFTP requires : __Tenant name__, __User flow name__, __Client ID__ of the App registration.\\
__Applications Legacy__: 
Name it. Select __Single-page Application__ as platform. The redirect url must ends with :__WebInterface/login.html__. Then click on register.\\
Check the flag "__ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)__" at __Platform configurations__.\\
Get __Application (client) ID__ from App registration -> Overview\\
Go to the __Preferences-> Ip/Servers__ and select the HTTP or HTTPS port item(__OAuth Sign in__ Tab) where you want to enable the __Azure Active Directory B2C__ button. Check the "__Enable Azure Active Directory B2C Sign in__" flag and provide the __Tenant name__, __User flow name__, __Client ID__ of the App registration (mentioned above).\\
Configure the CrushOAuth plugin and enable the flag:  "__Enable Azure Active Directory B2C Auth__".\\