|                          || CrushDrive                          || CrushSync                                 || Cloud Sync Providers
|| Data Ownership          | Own your data                           | Own your data                              | Third party holds the data and promises to be careful...
|| Storage Fees            | No fees                                 | No fees                                    | Pay per GB of data stored
|| Connection              | LAN / WAN                               | LAN / WAN                                  | WAN Only
|| Data Location           | Server Only                             | Local / Server                             | Local / Server
|| Web Access              | Yes                                     | Yes                                        | Yes
|| Access Restrictions     | Yes                                     | Yes                                        | Limited
|| Bandwidth Acceleration  | Yes                                     | Yes                                        | No
|| Encrypted / Secure      | Yes                                     | Yes                                        | Yes
|| Users Accessing Server  | Users you create                        | Users you create                           | Millions of unrelated users sharing access on the same server...
|| AD/LDAP Integration     | Yes                                     | Yes                                        | No
|| Additional Secure Protocols | FTPES/SFTP/SCP/HTTPS/WebDAV/CrushSync | FTPES/SFTP/SCP/HTTPS/WebDAV/CrushFTPDrive | None
|| Support                 | Direct email, emergency telephone 24x7  | Direct email, emergency telephone 24x7     | Often forum based, non committal, slow response times...

 * This comparison table is meant to illustrate some of the areas not normally mentioned about cloud providers.  The key issue is that you trust your data on a third party who maintains a policy to keep your data safe, and promises to be good about how they handle your data.