This plugin allows you to post process files using a powerful set of tasks.  You can move files, rename them, copy them, execute external programs, write text files, use date variables, multithread operations, copy to FTP/FTPS/SFTP servers, etc.
!Copy Task
The copy task will take a collection of files that were either "Found" using the Find task, or passed into the plugin through an event defined in the user manager.  The files in the list can be filtered down using the "Source filter" field to limit what you are copying.  An example might be *.txt.  The destination can reference the {path} to the original file.

So you may do: /Archive/{path}  or  /Archive/{parent_path}/{name}

The wait amount is how long to wait to verify the file is no longer being written to by some outside process.  The modified date, and file size are both compared.  It will wait put o the max amount of time before giving up and aborting the job.
