__CrushFTP-specific terms used in this wiki, and related:__
;Groups: a logical way to organize user accounts, our term for an Organizational Unit equivalent. There is a separate __[wiki|Groups]__ on this
;Inheritance: a way to automatically apply user settings from one user to another. The term roots in object oriented programming.
;Group Template account: inheritance parent or archtype account, that parents inheritance for a group of user accounts
;VFS Linking: loosely related to inheritance, a pointer to a VFS directory of another user account, there is a separate __[wiki|VFS]__ on this
__Inheritance__ works by Crush looking at the inheritance path for the user, and loading each item from left to right.  Each item as its loading replaces the previous items values.  Finally, the actual current user is loaded and its values override any other previous users values.\\
The starting user item is 'default'.  Its permanent, and cannot be removed.  Its always first.\\
In my example screenshot, I have the 'demo' user overriding specific settings, and the 'ssh' user overriding even more settings before finally my real user has their settings loaded.  You may use this to setup some events you want used, or some specific WebInterface customizations you want used, and then apply them to users in a group.  That way you don't have to re-do the settings.\\
To remove settings, simply uncheck the checkbox, and click apply.\\
In case the user accounts are member of a __Group__ with existing __Group Template__ account (a user that's named exactly as the group, but not member of the group itself), inheritance works automatically. The parent in this case is the Group Template account itself, it will show up in the __Inheritance/Templates__ list immediately after __Defaults__.
All user attributes except the the VFS directories are inheritable. VFS itself is not, but __VFS Linking__ is, a Group Template account can be self-linked ( set up VFS linking on it to point to itself) then the group member accounts will inherit the linked VFS.\\