!!Enterprise Licenses Only

The Radius plugin lets you validate authentication against a Radius server.  This plugin is only enabled for Enterprise users.  You can set the authentication type to use, the host information, and port information for the authentication process.\\
The RADIUS protocol itself and related terms __[are well documented|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RADIUS]__ (external link), outside the purpose of this wiki.\\
With the RADIUS plugin enabled the CrushFTP Server acts as the __Network Access Server(NAS)__ in a RADIUS infrastructure, with HTTPS, SFTP, FTP, etc. endpoints on the front, passing authentication through to a RADIUS server backend by means of the plugin.\\
In the upper part of the config panel the __Connection Parameters__ are set:\\
[{Image src='rad11.jpg' width='1440' height='..' align='left' style='..' class='..' }]
;Authenticator Type: dropdown selector to choose the RADIUS authentication type (PAP, CHAP, etc.)
;Server Item: dropdown list selector allows binding the plugin to specific server items (FTP, SFTP, etc)
;Server Host and Port: the RADIUS server IP and Authentication port (IANA default 1812)
;NAS IP: sets the __NAS-IP-Address__ RADIUS attribute. If left empty, the local private address of the server is used.
;NAS Port: sets the __NAS-Port__ RADIUS attribute\
;Retries: sets the number of retries in case of failing to connect to the specified RADIUS server.
;Timeout (s): sets the connection timeout for the connection to the RADIUS server. 
;Shared Secret: the RADIUS shared secret. The term is usually same for all RADIUS implementations.\\
!IMPORTANT: The __NAS-Port-Type__ attribute is hard coded to "__Ethernet__".\\
The mid section of the plugin panel allows setting the user directory (home directory) access options. Some form of directory access must be configured, otherwise the plugin will deny access even if the credentials validate successfully.\\
[{Image src='rad24.jpg' width='1440' height='..' align='left' style='..' class='..' }]