To act as an __[AS2|AS2 EDI]__ server (receiving partner), the following conditions are to be met:

Create user account with a valid _[VFS|VFS] directory. This directory will receive the decrypted payload, also a local copy of the MDN files generated.\\ 
[{Image src='as2_user_options1.jpg' width='1440' height='..' align='left' style='..' class='..' }]\\
Configure the account in User Manager __[AS2|AS2]__ section with the decryption key and signature validation cert.\\
[{Image src='as2_user_options2.jpg' width='1440' height='..' align='left' style='..' class='..' }]\\
An publicly available HTTPS port. In a vanilla deployment, there is a port 443 server listener already in placem can also add a custom port on the __[IP Servers|IP Servers] page.\\