On this page can issue an SSL cert and tweak SSL ciphers.
[{Image src='ssl_prefs1.jpg' width='1360' height='..' align='left' style='..' class='..' }]\\
In the upper half of the page can issue a new cert by doing all 3 __Steps__ or apply an existing keystore, as per [this|SSLCerts] wiki.\\
The __Advanced__ section allows changing supported SSL cipher groups or tweak individual ciphers.\\
__TLS versions__ field defines the supported cipher groups for all SSL __server__ ports: HTTPS, WEBDAVS, FTPS, FTPES.\\
__TLS versions client__ field defines the supported cipher groups for all __client__ mode: CrushTask task items, remote user VFS of HTTPS, WEBDAVS, FTPS, FTPES type, the AS2 protocol, SMTP relay connector.