*Dashboard for server administrators\\
*Role based administration so you can delegate some administration tasks to users.\\
*Job scheduler, and events has a new Task designer interface that greatly simplifies creating task flows, and monitoring in realtime the progress of a task.\\
*MP4 streaming playback in WebInterface with ability to skip to any point in the file.\\
*SSL Certificate manager to simplify using existing certificates, and requesting new ones.\\

*Individual accounts can be disabled after too many attempted logins, or a general IP can just be banned from trying anything.\\
*Zip files can be opened, and navigated through all protocols, and individual files can be downloaded from inside of them.\\
*GDrive integration where the back end file system can be a Google drive.\\
*CrushLDAPGroup can honor ACL permissions assigned in NTFS for authenticated users.\\

*Everything is now web based (administration, user monitoring, jobs, reports, user manager, preferences).
*[CrushSync] client application real-time replication and synchronization (delta transfers, high speed tunnel integration).
*[WebInterface] supports [movie thumbnails|Previews], including ability to hover over thumbnail and see multiple frames from the movie.
*WebInterface can play movie files, and mp3 files directly in the browser.
*[PGP in-stream encryption / decryption|Advanced VFS] on a per folder level in the VFS.
*Many new CrushTask plugin items
**HTTP POST/GET can be done with information about the upload, or download
**PGP encryption or decryption on files
**POP3/IMAP support to pull files out of email attachments and do things with them
**Users list can find users, and repeatedly call a task with variables from that user (such as pulling in attachments from emails accounts for all users).
*Multiple administrators can work simultaneously on the server.
*Share files/folders between users in CrushFTP without temp links and expirations.
*Indexed searches for faster results in the WebInterface.
*Uses built in tools for OS X in building icon, and movie thumbnails.
*Reverse proxy where CrushFTP is the reverse proxy, and other app servers are behind CrushFTP.
*VFS back end has been rewritten supporting proxying to servers running FTP(s)/SFTP/HTTP(s)/WebDAV.
*WebInterface has a count down timer for when your session expires.
*Updates can be applied with a single click.
*Radius plugin for authentication against Radius servers.
*Web API calls can be done for custom controls over server administration.


General overview video showing some of these features.

[OverView (QuickTime)|http://www.crushftp.com/movies/overview_i.mov] [OverView (Flash)|http://www.crushftp.com/movies/overview_i.flv]