The journaled replication works by tracking changes being made in a CrushFTP server and storing that journal on disk for later playback if the remote replicated server happens to be offline during a change a user is making to the current server.  The journaled entries are stored in a folder called "multi_journal" in your main CrushFTP folder.  The folder structure contains a hash of the VFS item being used as a folder name to group items to the same VFS location.  There will always be the one location.  In this are time stamped folders for the changes being made.  Each time stamped folder has a config.XML file describing the change and parameters needed to replicate that change.  If the change is an upload, there is also a single file called "upload" which is the binary dump of the data being uploaded.  While an upload is in progress, this file is written to in parallel so that if the transfer breaks to the remote side, we have the whole file in the journal to utilize in replicating it.  If the file upload completes successfully, the file is immediately purged from the journal as well.\\
The admin, Preferences, Replication tab has the configuration for this.