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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
app_reg_auth_config.png 160.8 kB 1 11-Feb-2022 03:18 krivacsz
app_reg_config.png 173.1 kB 1 11-Feb-2022 03:10 krivacsz
b2c_azure_settings.png 184.4 kB 1 13-Jul-2022 05:39 krivacsz
b2c_client_id.png 127.2 kB 1 13-Jul-2022 06:01 krivacsz
b2c_id_token.png 207.0 kB 1 13-Jul-2022 05:49 krivacsz
cognito_client_id_secret.png 66.4 kB 2 21-Nov-2022 04:11 krivacsz
cognito_user_pool.png 82.3 kB 2 21-Nov-2022 04:07 krivacsz
cognito_user_pool_app_client_1... 244.9 kB 1 07-Sep-2022 03:29 krivacsz
cognito_user_pool_app_client_2... 340.5 kB 1 07-Sep-2022 03:29 krivacsz
dmz_template_user_internal_por... 94.7 kB 1 13-Sep-2023 06:21 krivacsz
g_sign_origin_redirect_url.png 85.4 kB 1 19-Nov-2022 08:24 krivacsz
gsign_in_button.png 204.4 kB 1 23-Aug-2021 16:11 krivacsz
http_port_oauth_item_settings.... 43.5 kB 1 13-Sep-2023 05:43 krivacsz
plugin_settings.png 99.6 kB 7 17-Feb-2023 10:22 krivacsz
port_item_settings.png 76.4 kB 2 11-Feb-2022 02:41 krivacsz
port_item_settings_b2c.png 105.6 kB 1 13-Jul-2022 06:29 krivacsz
port_item_settings_cognito.png 14.1 kB 2 07-Sep-2022 04:24 krivacsz
port_item_settings_ms.png 75.3 kB 1 11-Feb-2022 03:35 krivacsz

This page (revision-220) was last changed on 13-Sep-2023 06:32 by krivacsz

This page was created on 23-Aug-2021 14:39 by krivacsz

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At line 1 changed 3 lines
!!Enterprise Licenses Only\\
This plugin allows you to delegate access of OAuth providers. On the CrushFTP's login page next to the login button will appear the enabled provider's "__Signed in"__ button".\\
Currently __Google Sign-In__, __Microsoft Sign-In__, __Azure Active Directory B2C Sign in__ and __Amazon Cognito Sign in__ are supported.\\
Constraint: __Enterprise Licenses Only__\\
This plugin allows you to delegate access to OAuth ([]) providers. On the CrushFTP's login page next to the login button will appear the enabled provider's "__Signed in"__ button".\\
Currently __Google Sign-In__([Google Sign in Configuration]), __Microsoft Sign-In__([Microsoft Sign in Configuration]), __Azure Active Directory B2C Sign in__([Azure Active Directory B2C Configuration]) and __Amazon Cognito Sign in__([Amazon Cognito Configuration]) are supported.\\
At line 5 added 5 lines
It only works through __HTTP__ or __HTTPS__ protocol.\\
First configure an HTTP(S) port item with OAuth Sign In configuration.\\
!!Supported types:\\
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!5. Plugin Settings\\
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!!Plugin Settings\\
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__1.__ Username matching -> It filters the OAuth user name (Google Auth: email address, Microsoft Auth: user principle name). You can put multiple value separated by comma. Domain filter is allowed to (like *\\
__1.__ __Username matching__ -> It filters the OAuth user name (Google Auth: email address, Microsoft Auth: user principal name). Allow multiple values separated by a comma. Domain filter is allowed (like *\\
At line 18 changed one line
__2.__ Allowed authentication types\\
__2.__ __Allowed authentication types__: Google Sign-In, Microsoft Sign-In, Azure Active Directory B2C Sign in and Amazon Cognito Sign. Configure the sign-in button on HTTP(S) server.\\
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__a.__ Skip OTP processing -> CrushOAuth plugin is not compatible with [OTP Settings] as IDP (identity providers) can have their own two factor authentication. Turning the flag to true will skip OAuth users from CrushFTP's OTP process.\\
__b.__ Get Cognito user info -> Gets more info about Amazon Cognito users (like custom attributes). Only if __Amazon Cognito Sign in__n is enabled.\\
__a.__ __Skip OTP processing__: CrushOAuth plugin is not compatible with [OTP Settings] as IDP (identity provider) can have its own two-factor authentication. Turning the flag to true will skip OAuth users from CrushFTP's OTP process.\\
__b.__ __Remove email suffix from username__: It removes the email suffix of the user name. Like username "" will be "my_user".\\
__c.__ __Get Cognito user info__: Gets more info about Amazon Cognito users (like custom attributes). It is related only to __Amazon Cognito Sign in__.\\
At line 24 changed one line
__4.__ OAuth only used for Authentication (User manager then defines user's access.) -> If users already exists with username of the OAuth, you can use the plugin just for authentication.\\
__4.__ OAuth only used for Authentication ([User Manager] defines user's access.) -> If users already exist in CrushFTP's User Manager, you can use the CrushOAuth plugin __just for authentication__.\\
At line 26 changed one line
__5.__ Template Username -> The signed in user inherits no just the settings, but the VFS items too (as Linked VFS).\\
__5.__ __Template Username__ -> The signed-in user inherits not just the settings, but the VFS items too (as Linked [VFS]).
At line 28 changed one line
Import settings from CrushFTP user -> The signed in user inherits just the settings from this user. __It must have a value! __Default value would be : __default__ -> the default user of CrushFTP\\
__Import settings from CrushFTP user__ -> The signed-in user inherits just the settings from this user. __It must have a value! __Default value would be : __default__ -> the default user of CrushFTP\\
At line 30 changed one line
__6__ __OAuth Roles__ -> You can configure different Template Users (see 5.) based on IDP's (identity provider) attributes.\\
IDP Attribute examples:\\
Google Sign-In:
email_verified, idp_user_info, given_name, family_name, email_verified, group
Microsoft Sign-In:
mail, idp_user_info, displayName, jobTitle, businessPhones, mobilePhone, officeLocation, group
Amazon Cognito Sign-in:
email, username, identities, cognito:username, cognito:groups, custom:<<defined custom attributes>>
Role examples :
<<IDP attribute name>>=<<IDP attribute value>>,<<IDP attribute name>>=<<IDP attribute value>> : tmeplate user name
At line 32 changed one line
__7.__ VFS related settings\\
IDP attribute value: Exact match, Simple Match (like **), Regex match (like REGEX:<<the regular expression>>), if the value is an array you can reference only one of the array element (exact match only). Like (IDP Attribute value -> __groups:[["group1","group2"]__ -> you can match with __group1__)\\
At line 66 added 2 lines
__7.__ VFS-related settings -> You can set custom [VFS] for CrushOAuth users.\\
At line 70 added 9 lines
__1.__ Configure your OAuth Sign In settings on the DMZ's HTTP(S) port item.\\
__2.__ Configure the same OAuth Sign In settings on the Internal (Main) HTTP(S) port item. This port item must match with the port item configured at the DMZ template user's VFS. (See [DMZ])\\
__3.__ Configure the OAuth plugin __only on the Internal (Main) instance__. !!!Do not configure the OAuth plugin on the DMZ too. See __Plugin Settings__ on the current page.\\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
220 13-Sep-2023 06:32 4.404 kB krivacsz to previous
219 13-Sep-2023 06:30 4.4 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
218 13-Sep-2023 06:30 4.392 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
217 13-Sep-2023 06:29 4.467 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
216 13-Sep-2023 06:29 4.368 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
215 13-Sep-2023 06:27 4.354 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
214 13-Sep-2023 06:26 4.347 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
213 13-Sep-2023 06:25 4.347 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
212 13-Sep-2023 06:24 4.344 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
211 13-Sep-2023 06:23 4.341 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
210 13-Sep-2023 06:22 4.337 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
209 13-Sep-2023 06:16 4.284 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
208 13-Sep-2023 06:13 4.263 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
207 13-Sep-2023 06:11 4.27 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
206 13-Sep-2023 06:10 4.273 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
205 13-Sep-2023 06:09 4.268 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
204 13-Sep-2023 05:55 3.963 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
203 13-Sep-2023 05:52 3.953 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
202 13-Sep-2023 05:48 3.949 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
201 13-Sep-2023 05:48 3.946 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
« This page (revision-220) was last changed on 13-Sep-2023 06:32 by krivacsz
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