At line 3 changed one line |
// Translated by René Mølsted <> |
//March 14th 2014 - Translated by Jacob Storgaard Jensen |
At line 5 removed one line |
At line 8 changed one line |
//////// Localization //////// |
//////// Danish Localization //////// |
At line 11 changed 3 lines |
// Webinterface |
localizations.FilterText = "Filter:"; |
localizations.ClearFilterLinkText = "Ryd"; |
//WebInterface |
localizations.FilterText = localizations.FilterTextBasket = "Filtrer:"; |
localizations.ClearFilterLinkText = localizations.ClearFilterLinkTextBasket = "Nulstil"; |
At line 17 changed 3 lines |
localizations.FileCounterHiddenItemsText = "skjulte elementer"; |
localizations.ThumbnailViewLinkText = "Thumbnail View"; |
localizations.TreeViewLinkText = "Tree View"; |
localizations.FileCounterHiddenItemsText = "Skjulte elementer"; |
localizations.ThumbnailViewLinkText = localizations.ThumbnailViewLinkTextBasket = "Vis miniaturer"; |
localizations.TreeViewLinkText = localizations.TreeViewLinkTextBasket = "Vis træstruktur"; |
localizations.DownloadResumeTextLabelBasket = "Genoptag" |
At line 21 changed 19 lines |
localizations.NothingSelectedGrowlText = "Intet valgt"; |
localizations.ShareNothingSelectedGrowlText = "Intet valgt at dele"; |
localizations.RenameNothingSelectedGrowlText = "Intet valgt at omdøbe"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileRenamingGrowlText = "Problem under omdøbning"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileRenamingDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem under omdøbning Prøv venligst igen Fejl:.."; |
localizations.ProblemWhileSharingGrowlText = "Problem mens sharing"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileSharingDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem, mens deling af en fil Prøv venligst igen."; |
localizations.DirectLinkDescGrowlText = "Højreklik på elementet og klikke på eksemplar direkte link"; |
localizations.UpdateKeywordDescGrowlText = "Højreklik på elementet og klikke på opdatere søgeord"; |
localizations.QuickViewNothingToShowGrowlText = "Fejl: Intet at vise i hurtig visning"; |
localizations.QuickViewNoItemsAvailableGrowlText = "Ingen emner tilgængelig"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileDeletingGrowlText = "Problem under sletning af"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileDeletingDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem under sletning Prøv venligst igen Fejl:.."; |
localizations.ProblemWhileCreatingFolderGrowlText = "Problem samtidig skabe ny mappe"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileCreatingFolderDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem, mens du opretter ny mappe Prøv venligst igen Fejl:.."; |
localizations.JavaRequiredGrowlText = "Java Påkrævet"; |
localizations.JavaRequiredDescGrowlText = "Java skal være installeret, for de avancerede funktioner til at arbejde <br/> Gå til:. <a target = \" _blank \"href = \" / \"class = \" whiteError \"> </ a>"; |
localizations.JavaAppletNotLoadedGrowlText = "Java applet Ikke Loaded"; |
localizations.JavaAppletNotLoadedDescGrowlText = "Du skal først klikke på 'Avanceret Browse ...' knappen før træk og slip vil blive aktiveret. " |
localizations.FilesNotAvailableMessage = "Ingen tilgængelige filer eller mapper"; |
localizations.CopyNoFilesSelectedMessage = "Vælg venligst den/de filer eller mapper der skal kopieres"; |
localizations.DeleteNoFilesSelectedMessage = "Venligst vælg den/de filer eller mapper der skal slettes"; |
localizations.UnzipNoFilesSelectedMessage = "Vælg venligst den fil du vil pakke ud"; |
localizations.CutNoFilesSelectedMessage = "Venligst vælg den/de filer eller mapper der klippes"; |
localizations.pagingPrevText = "Forrige"; |
localizations.pagingNextText = "Næste"; |
localizations.pagingEllipseText = "..."; |
localizations.FilterItemCountText = "(Elementer med søgestrengen \"{filterVal}\" : {totalItems} , Mapper: {folders} Filer: {files})"; |
localizations.TotalItemsInDirMsgText = "(Total antal elementer i mappen: {count})"; |
localizations.quotaAvailableLabelText = "ledig"; |
At line 41 changed 12 lines |
// Deling Window |
localizations.ShareWindowHeaderText = "Del"; |
localizations.ShareWindowFilesSharingLabelText = "Sharing:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowShareTypeLabelText = "Del type:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowSendEmailLabelText = "Send e-mail:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowExpiresLabelText = "Udløber:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowFromLabelText = "From:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowToLabelText = "Til:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowCCLabelText = "CC:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowBCCLabelText = "BCC:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowSubjectLabelText = "Emne:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowBodyLabelText = "Body:"; |
localizations.WelcomeNoteSubmitFormFailureMsgText = "Fejl: Problem ved lagring af data"; |
localizations.TreeviewSpecificActionMsgTitleText = "Kun til træstruktur"; |
localizations.TreeviewSpecificActionMsgDescText = "Dette er kun relevant ved visning i træstruktur"; |
localizations.PasswordExpiringMsgText = "Kodeordet udløber snart<br/>Anvend knappen \"Brugerindstillinger\" til at ændre."; |
localizations.PasswordNotMatchingMsgText = "De nye kodeord stemmer ikke overens."; |
localizations.PasswordMustBeComplexMsgText = "Kodeordet er ikke kompleks nok."; |
localizations.PasswordChangedMsgText = "Kodeordet er gemt. Log venligst ind med det nye kodeord."; |
localizations.AppletLoadingFailedMsgText = "Appletten fejlede under overførslen"; |
localizations.DownloadStartedAlertTitleText = "Download er startet"; |
localizations.DownloadCompletedText = "[Download gennemført]"; |
localizations.DownloadCompletedPathText = " Downloadet til : "; |
localizations.DownloadStartedAlertDescText = "Vælg venligst en destination til din(e) fil(er) for at kunne fortsætte"; |
localizations.LogoutButtonText = "Log ud"; |
localizations.browserUploaderNativeUploadTipSetTitle = "Upload filer ved at anvende browser uploaderen."; |
localizations.browserUploaderAdvancedUploadTipSetTitle = "Upload filer ved at anvende den avancerede uploader, <br>den muliggør overførsel af mapper, og i flere tilfælde går overførslen hurtigere."; |
localizations.browserUploaderDragDropHoverLabelText = "Træk og slip filer her for at uploade"; |
localizations.appletUploaderDropPanelLabelText = "↓ Træk og slip filer her for at uploade ↓"; |
//Sharing Window |
localizations.ShareWindowHeaderText = "Deling af filer"; |
localizations.ShareWindowFilesSharingLabelText = "Deling :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowShareTypeLabelText = "Delingstype :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowShareTypeLabelCopyText = "Kopier"; |
localizations.ShareWindowShareTypeLabelMoveText = "Flyt"; |
localizations.ShareWindowShareTypeLabelReferenceText = "Reference"; |
localizations.ShareWindowShareToInternalUserLabelText = "Intern deling"; |
localizations.ShareWindowShareToExternalUserLabelText = "Ekstern deling"; |
localizations.ShareWindowDownloadLabelText = "Download"; |
localizations.ShareWindowUploadLabelText = "Upload"; |
localizations.ShareWindowDeleteLabelText = "Slet"; |
localizations.ShareWindowSendEmailLabelText = "Send e-mail :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowExpiresLabelText = "Udløber :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowFromLabelText = "Fra : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowToLabelText = "Til : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowCCLabelText = "CC : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowBCCLabelText = "BCC : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowSubjectLabelText = "Emne : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowBodyLabelText = "Brødtekst : "; |
At line 54 changed 2 lines |
localizations.ShareWindowAttachThumbsLabelText = "Vedhæft Thumbnail"; |
localizations.ShareWindowAccessLabelText = "fuld adgang (læse, skrive, slette)"; |
localizations.ShareWindowAttachThumbsLabelText = "Vedhæft miniature-billede"; |
localizations.ShareWindowAccessLabelText = "Fuld adgang (læse, skrive, slette) "; |
At line 58 changed 2 lines |
localizations.ShareActionCompleteUsernameText = "Brugernavn:"; |
localizations.ShareActionCompletePasswordText = "Adgangskode:"; |
localizations.ShareWindowUsernameMethodLabelText = "Delingsmetode : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowUsernameLabelText = "Del med intern bruger"; |
localizations.ShareWindowUsernamesLabelText = "Brugernavne : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowUsernamesLabelHelpText = "(Adskil flere brugernavne med komma.)"; |
localizations.ShareActionCompleteShareUsernamesText = "De følgende brugere har fået adgang til delt indhold."; |
localizations.ShareActionCompleteUsernameText = "Brugernavn: "; |
localizations.ShareActionCompletePasswordText = "Kodeord: "; |
At line 62 changed 2 lines |
// Kopier direkte link vindue |
localizations.ShareActionEmailValidationFailureHelpToolTip = "Indtast venligst en gyldig e-mail adresse. Du kan indtaste flere adresse ved at adskille dem med komma - f.eks. <strong>,,...</strong>"; |
//Copy direct link window |
At line 65 changed 2 lines |
// Opret mappe vindue |
localizations.CopyLinkText = "Kopier link"; |
//Create folder window |
At line 69 changed one line |
localizations.CreateFolderWindowNavigateToFolderCheckboxText = "Naviger til mappen efter skabelsen"; |
localizations.CreateFolderWindowNavigateToFolderCheckboxText = "Gå til mappen efter den er oprettet "; |
At line 71 changed 2 lines |
// Browser uploader vindue |
//Browser uploader window |
At line 74 changed one line |
localizations.BrowserUploaderUploadDetailsTabHeaderText = "Upload Details"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderUploadDetailsTabHeaderText = "Upload detaljer"; |
At line 76 changed 3 lines |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedBrowseButtonText = "Avanceret Gennemse .."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderStartUploadingLinkText = "Start Upload"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderClearCompletedLinkText = "Ryd Afsluttet"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedBrowseButtonText = "Avanceret gennemsyn..."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderStartUploadingLinkText = "Start upload"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderClearCompletedLinkText = "Fjern gennemførte"; |
At line 80 changed one line |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFormResetButtonText = "Reset"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFormResetButtonText = "Nulstil"; |
At line 83 changed 2 lines |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "{0} er allerede blevet tilføjet."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderMultiFileAddedAlreadyText = "Disse filer er allerede tilføjet."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "{0} er blevet tilføjet."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderMultiFileAddedAlreadyText = "Disse filer er allerede blevet tilføjet."; |
At line 86 changed one line |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilesGroupText = "Fil-gruppen:"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilesGroupText = "Filgruppe : "; |
At line 88 changed one line |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileWillBeUploadedText = "vil blive uploadet til"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileWillBeUploadedText = "Vil blive uploadet til"; |
At line 91 changed 2 lines |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileExistsText = "Fil findes"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileAttentionRequiredText = "Attention Påkrævet"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileExistsText = "Filen eksisterer allerede"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileAttentionRequiredText = "Opmærksomhed påkrævet"; |
At line 95 changed 2 lines |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileUploadedText = "uploadet til"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileReUploadLinkText = "re-upload"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileUploadedText = "Uploadet til"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileReUploadLinkText = "upload igen"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileReDownloadLinkText = "download igen"; |
At line 100 changed one line |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilePausedStatusText = "Pause"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilePausedStatusText = "Sat på pause"; |
At line 102 changed 5 lines |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesText = "Total {0} fil (er)"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesStatusText = "{0} af {1} emne (r)"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesToText = "Overfører til:"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingSpeedText = "Hastighed:"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingTimeText = "<div class='time'> Tid: Forløbet: <span class='elapsed'> {0} </ span> <span class='remained'>, Resterende: {1} </ span> </ div> "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesText = "Totalt {0} fil(er)"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesStatusText = "{0} af {1} element(er) "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesToText = "Uploader til : "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingSpeedText = "Nuværende hastighed : "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingAverageSpeedText = "Gennemsnitshastighed : "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingTimeText = "<div class='time'> Tid: Forbrugt: <span class='elapsed'>{0}</span> <span class='remained'>, Tilbage : {1}</span></div>"; |
localizations.BatchCompleteText = "Resultat"; |
localizations.BatchComplete = "Overførsler gennemført."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSpeedTimeCalculatingText = "Beregner.."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderProblemWhileTransferMsgText = "Problem under overførsel"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderCancelledUploadMsgText = "Upload annulleret"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAlertWhileNavigatingAwayMsgText = "Dine filer er i gang med at uploade. Hvis du navigerer væk fra denne side vil du potentielt miste dem. Er du sikker på du vil forlade denne side?"; |
localizations.BrowserDownloadAlertWhileNavigatingAwayMsgText = "Dine filer er i gang med at downloade. Hvis du navigerer væk fra denne side vil du potentielt miste dem. Er du sikker på du vil forlade denne side?"; |
localizations.NoUploadInDirGrowlText = "Upload er ikke tilladt"; |
localizations.NoUploadInDirGrowlDesc = "Upload af elementer til den valgte mappe er ikke tilladt"; |
At line 108 changed 4 lines |
// Søg vinduet |
localizations.SearchWindowHeaderText = "Search"; |
localizations.SearchWindowKeywordsLabelText = "Nøgleord:"; |
localizations.SearchWindowExactLabelText = "Præcis?"; |
//New upload bar localizations |
localizations.browseFileLabelByClass = "Tilføj filer..."; |
localizations.advancedUploadResumeLabelByClass = "Genoptag"; |
localizations.filesToUploadQueueWindowHeader = "Filer der skal uploades"; |
localizations.uploadWindowStartUploadingByClass = "Start upload"; |
localizations.uploadWindowCancelUploadingByClass = "Annuller upload"; |
localizations.uploadWindowClearUploadedByClass = "Fjern filer der er uploadet"; |
localizations.uploadWindowOverwriteAllByClass = "Overskriv alle"; |
localizations.uploadWindowRemoveAllWithErrorsByClass = "Fjern alle med fejl"; |
localizations.uploadWindowSummaryFilesByClass = "Filer : "; |
localizations.uploadWindowSummarySizeByClass = ", Størrelse på upload : "; |
localizations.uploadBarShowHideFilesSetTitleClass = "Vis/Skjul de valgte filer"; |
localizations.uploadBarAttentionTitle = "Tilføj nu filer fra uploadbjælken"; |
localizations.uploadBarAttentionText = "Anvend uploadbjælken til at tilføje filer til upload. Klik på \"" + localizations.browseFileLabelByClass + "\" knappen for at tilføje filer"; |
localizations.globalProgressbarSkipLabelByClass = "Spring over"; |
localizations.globalProgressbarPauseLabelByClass = "Pause"; |
localizations.globalProgressbarStopLabelByClass = "Stop"; |
localizations.syncAppName = "CrushSync"; |
if(typeof window.locale != "undefined") |
{ |
window.locale.fileupload.SwitchToNormalUpload = "Skift til normal upload"; |
localizations.uploadWindowUploadTypeSwitchSetTitleClass = window.locale.fileupload.SwitchToAdvancedUpload = "Skift til avanceret upload"; |
} |
//Search window |
localizations.SearchWindowHeaderText = "Søg"; |
localizations.SearchWindowKeywordsLabelText = "Nøgleord :"; |
localizations.SearchWindowExactLabelText = "Nøjagtig?"; |
At line 113 changed 5 lines |
localizations.SearchWindowByClassDateFormatLabelText = "(mm / dd / åååå)"; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeLabelText = "Størrelse er"; |
localizations.SearchWindowTypeLabelText = "Type er en"; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeLabelText = "Størrelse er"; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeUnitLabelText = "(kilobyte)"; |
localizations.SearchWindowByClassDateFormatLabelText = "(mm/dd/yyyy) "; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeLabelText = "Størrelsen er "; |
localizations.SearchWindowTypeLabelText = "Typen er en"; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeLabelText = "Størrelsen er "; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeUnitLabelText = "(Kilobytes)"; |
At line 121 changed one line |
localizations.SearchResultClearLinkText = "(Ryd søgning filter)"; |
localizations.SearchResultClearLinkText = "(Nulstil søgefilter)"; |
At line 124 changed 2 lines |
localizations.SearchFormSizeOptionBiggerThanText = "Bigger Than"; |
localizations.SearchFormSizeOptionSmallerThanText = "mindre end"; |
localizations.SearchFormSizeOptionBiggerThanText = "Større end"; |
localizations.SearchFormSizeOptionSmallerThanText = "Mindre end"; |
At line 127 changed 3 lines |
localizations.SearchFormItemTypeOptionFolderText = "Folder"; |
// Bruger indstillinger vinduet |
localizations.SearchFormItemTypeOptionFolderText = "Mappe"; |
localizations.SearchProcessNotificationText = "Bearbejder... "; |
localizations.SearchProcessCancelText = "Annuller"; |
//Multiple file selection options |
localizations.ItemsSelectionDisplayText = "Alle <strong>{count}</strong> elementer på denne side er valgt."; |
localizations.ItemsSelectionSelectAllItemsInDir = "Vælg alle <strong>{total_items}</strong> elementer i <strong>{list_type}</strong> (inkluder skulte elementer)</span>"; |
localizations.ItemsSelectionSelectedAllItemsInDir = "Alle <strong>{total_items}</strong> elementer i <strong>{list_type}</strong> (inklusiv skulte elementer) er valgt"; |
localizations.ItemsSelectionClearSelection = "Nulstil udvalgte elementer"; |
localizations.ItemsSelectionShowingFolderText = "Nuværende mappe"; |
localizations.ItemsSelectionShowingFilteredItemsText = "Nuværende filtrerede lists"; |
localizations.ItemsSelectionShowingSearchedItemsText = "Søgeresultat"; |
//User options window |
At line 131 changed 9 lines |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideItemsStartWithDotLabelText = "Skjul '.' Poster "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideCheckboxLabelText = "Skjul Afkrydsningsfelt Kolonne"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideFilterLabelText = "Skjul Filter Section"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowAutostartUploadLabelText = "Når du vælger fil til upload, auto start upload."; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowLoadJavaAppletLabelText = "Når læsning grænsefladen, indlæse Java-applet."; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowDisableCompressionLabelText = "Deaktiver kompression på Java applet."; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordHeaderText = "Skift dit kodeord"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordCurPassLabelText = "Nuværende kodeord:"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordNewPassLabelText = "Ny adgangskode:"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideItemsStartWithDotLabelText = "Skjul '.' elementer "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideCheckboxLabelText = "Skjul tjekboks kolonnen "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideFilterLabelText = "Skjul filtreringssektionen "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowAutostartUploadLabelText = "Start upload med det samme en fil er valgt til upload. "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowLoadJavaAppletLabelText = "Indlæs Java appletten når interfacet indlæses."; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowDisableCompressionLabelText = "Deaktiver komprimering på Java appletten. "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordHeaderText = "Skift dit kodeord "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordCurPassLabelText = "Nuværende kodeord: "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordNewPassLabelText = "Nyt kodeord: "; |
At line 142 changed 2 lines |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomButtonText = "Generer tilfældig adgangskode"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomUseItLinkText = "Brug denne"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomButtonText = "Generer tilfældigt kodeord"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomUseItLinkText = "Anvend dette"; |
At line 145 changed 3 lines |
// Main afkrydsningsfeltet kontekst menupunkter |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuToggleText = "Slå"; |
//Main checkbox context menu options |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuToggleText = "Vis/Skjul"; |
At line 149 changed 3 lines |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuUncheckAllText = "Un-check alle"; |
// Søgeord vinduet |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuUncheckAllText = "Afmarker alle"; |
//Keywords window |
At line 155 changed 2 lines |
// File kurv |
//File basket |
At line 158 changed 4 lines |
localizations.BasketClearAllLinkText = "Ryd alle"; |
localizations.BasketDownloadLinkText = "Hent Basket"; |
localizations.BasketDownloadAdvancedLinkText = "Hent Basket Avanceret"; |
localizations.BasketNoFilesAvailableText = "Ingen fil"; |
localizations.BasketClearAllLinkText = "Fjern alle"; |
localizations.BasketDownloadLinkText = "Download kurven"; |
localizations.BasketDownloadAdvancedLinkText = "Avanceret download af kurven"; |
localizations.BasketNoFilesAvailableText = "Ingen valgte filer"; |
At line 163 changed 7 lines |
localizations.BasketTotalItemText = "Total {0} vare (r)"; |
localizations.BasketFileAddedAlreadyText = "Fil tilføjet allerede i kurven"; |
localizations.BasketFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "Valgte fil er allerede tilgængelige i kurven"; |
localizations.BasketNothingSelectedToAddText = "Intet valgt at tilføje til indkøbskurv"; |
localizations.BasketNothingSelectedToAddDetailsText = ""; |
// Indsæt form panel |
localizations.BasketTotalItemText = "{0} elementer "; |
localizations.BasketFileAddedAlreadyText = "Filen er allerede tilføjet til kurven"; |
localizations.BasketFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "Den valgte fil er allerede tilgængelig i kurven"; |
localizations.BasketNothingSelectedToAddText = "Der er ikke valgt noget der skal tilføjes til kurven"; |
localizations.BasketNothingSelectedToAddDetailsText = " "; |
localizations.BasketClearAllConfirmMessage = "Er du sikker på at du vil tømme kurven?"; |
//Paste form panel |
At line 171 changed one line |
localizations.PasteFormResetButtonText = "Reset"; |
localizations.PasteFormResetButtonText = "Nulstil"; |
At line 173 changed 5 lines |
localizations.PasteFormErrorHeaderText = "Problem mens indsæt"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorDetailsText = "Der opstod et problem, mens indsættelse poster <br /> Fejl:. {0}"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorNothingToPasteText = "Der er intet at indsætte"; |
// Velkommen form panel |
localizations.PasteFormErrorHeaderText = "Problem under indsættelse"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorDetailsText = "Der opstod et problem under indsættelsen af flere elementer.<br />Error : {0}"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorNothingToPasteText = "Der er intet kopiere/klippet til at indsætte"; |
//Welcome form panel |
At line 180 changed 2 lines |
// Slideshow popup |
//Slideshow popup |
At line 183 changed 3 lines |
// Håndter Share-vinduet |
localizations.ManageShareWindowHeaderText = "Administrer Aktier"; |
//Manage Share window |
localizations.ManageShareWindowHeaderText = "Administrer delinger"; |
At line 252 added 4 lines |
localizations.ManageShareWindowDeleteLinkText = "Slet"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowHideLinkText = "Skjul"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridLinkLabelText = "Link"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridFromLabelText = "Fra"; |
At line 258 added 9 lines |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridBCCLabelText = "BCC"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridSubjectLabelText = "Emne"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridBodyLabelText = "Brødtekst"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridShareTypeLabelText = "Delingstype"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridUserNameLabelText = "Brugernavn"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridPasswordLabelText = "Kodeord"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridAttachedLabelText = "Vedhæftet i e-mail?"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridUploadLabelText = "Tillad upload?"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridPathsLabelText = "Stier"; |
At line 192 changed one line |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridSharedItemsLabelText = "delte elementer"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridSharedItemsLabelText = "Delte elementer"; |
At line 194 changed 2 lines |
// Omdøb widndow og panel |
localizations.ManageShareWindowNothingToShowMessageText = "Intet at vise"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowNothingSelectedToDeleteMessageText = "(Intet valgt til sletning)"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowDeleteAccountConfirmationText= "Er du sikker på du vil slette den/de valgte {count} konto/konti ?"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowUserDeletedMessageText = "(Bruger : {name} slettet)"; |
//Rename widndow and panel |
At line 200 changed one line |
// Tooltip info |
localizations.ZipNameWindowHeaderText = "Pakket filnavn"; |
localizations.ZipNamePanelSaveLinkText = "Ok"; |
localizations.ZipNamePanelCancelLinkText = "Annuller"; |
localizations.SyncAppNameWindowHeaderText = "Sync administratorkodeord"; |
localizations.SyncAppNamePanelSaveLinkText = "Ok"; |
localizations.SyncAppNamePanelCancelLinkText = "Annuller"; |
//Tooltip info |
At line 205 changed 8 lines |
// Form indberetninger og meddelelser |
localizations.FormValidationFailText = "En eller flere krævede elementer der ikke er opført eller ikke indtastet korrekt Indtast korrekte værdi for de varer med * i nedenstående formular."; |
localizations.DeleteConfirmationMessageText = "Total {0} mappe (r) og {1} fil (er) vil blive slettet \n \n ITEMS:. {2} Når slettet kan det ikke vende tilbage"; |
localizations.CopyActionGrowlText = "Total {0} mappe (r) og {1} fil (er) kopieret."; |
localizations.CutActionGrowlText = "Total {0} mappe (r) og {1} fil (er) snit."; |
// Treeview header poster |
localizations.ThumbnailsTooltipText = "<strong>"+localizations.TooltipNameLabelText+" : </strong>{text}<br /><strong>"+localizations.TooltipSizeLabelText+" : </strong>{size}<br /><strong>"+localizations.TooltipModifiedLabelText+" : </strong>{date}<br /><strong>"+localizations.TooltipKeywordsLabelText+" : </strong> {keywords}"; |
//Form alerts and notifications |
localizations.FormValidationFailText = "Et eller flere påkrævede felter mangelfyldt eller slet ikke udfyldt. Indtast de rigtige værdier i felterne markeret med * i den nedenstående formular"; |
localizations.FormEmailValidationFailText = "<br> - Indtast gyldig e-mailadresse i e-mail feltet/felterne"; |
localizations.DeleteConfirmationMessageText = "Totalt {0} mappe(r) og {1} fil(er) vil blive slettet.\n\nElementer: {2} Når først de er slette kan det ikke fortrydes"; |
localizations.DeleteConfirmationMessageRemoveAllItemsInDirText = "Alle elementer i mappen \"{folder_name}\" vil blive slettet.\n\nTotalt {count} elementer vil blive slettet.\n\nNår først de er slette kan det ikke fortrydes"; |
localizations.CopyActionGrowlText = "Totalt {0} mappe(r) og {1} fil(er) blev kopieret."; |
localizations.CutActionGrowlText = "Totalt {0} mappe(r) og {1} fil(er) blev klippet."; |
localizations.NothingSelectedGrowlText = "Intet valgt"; |
localizations.ShareNothingSelectedGrowlText = "Intet valgt til deling"; |
localizations.DownloadNothingSelectedGrowlText = "Intet valgt til download"; |
localizations.RenameNothingSelectedGrowlText = "Intet valgt til at omdøbe"; |
localizations.PreviewNothingSelectedGrowlText = "Intet valgt til preview"; |
localizations.NoPreviewGrowlText = "Preview"; |
localizations.NoPreviewGrowlDesc = "Intet preview tilgængeligt for de valgte elementer"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileRenamingGrowlText = "Problem under omdøbning"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileRenamingDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem under omdøbningen. Prøv venligst igen. Fejl : "; |
localizations.ProblemWhileSharingGrowlText = "Problem under deling"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileSharingDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem under delingen af en fil. Prøv venligst igen"; |
localizations.DirectLinkDescGrowlText = "Højreklik på elementet og klik på \"Kopier direkte link\""; |
localizations.UpdateKeywordDescGrowlText = "Højreklik på elementet og klik på \"Opdater nøgleord\""; |
localizations.QuickViewNothingToShowGrowlText = "Fejl : Intet at vise i quick view"; |
localizations.QuickViewNoItemsAvailableGrowlText = "Ingen tilgængelige elementer"; |
localizations.QuickViewRotateClockwiseTooltipText = "Roter med uret"; |
localizations.QuickViewRotateCounterClockwiseTooltipText = "Roter mod uret"; |
localizations.QuickViewCurrentImagePositionText = "Elementer {current} af {total}"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileDeletingGrowlText = "Problem under sletning"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileDeletingDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem under sletningen. Prøv venligst igen. Fejl : "; |
localizations.ProblemWhileUnzipGrowlText = "Problem under udpakning af fil(er)"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileUnzipDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem under udpakningen. Prøv venligst igen. Fejl : "; |
localizations.ProblemWhileZipGrowlText = "Problem under pakning af fil(er)"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileZipDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem under pakningen. Prøv venligst igen. Fejl : "; |
localizations.ProblemWhileCreatingFolderGrowlText = "Problem under oprettelse af ny mappe"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileCreatingFolderDescGrowlText = "Der opstod et problem under oprettelsen af den nye mappe. Prøv venligst igen. Fejl : "; |
localizations.JavaRequiredGrowlText = "Java er påkrævet"; |
localizations.JavaRequiredDescGrowlText = "Java skal være installere for at de avancerede funktioner virker.<br/><br/>Gå venligst til: <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"whiteError\"></a>"; |
localizations.JavaAppletNotLoadedGrowlText = "Java appletten er ikke indlæst"; |
localizations.JavaAppletNotLoadedDescGrowlText = "Du skal først klikke på knappen 'Avanceret gennemsyn' førend 'træk og slip' bliver tilgængelig."; |
localizations.NoFilesFoundGrowlTitle = "Ingen data fundet"; |
localizations.NoFilesFoundGrowlText = "Fejl : Ingen data fundet for "; |
localizations.AutoLogOutConfirmationTitle = "Automatisk udlogning"; |
localizations.AutoLogOutConfirmationDesc = "Du bliver snart logget ud på grund af inaktivitet"; |
localizations.AutoLogOutButtonText = "Forbliv logget ind"; |
//Treeview header items |
At line 217 changed 2 lines |
// Valg menupunkter |
//Selection menu items |
At line 220 changed 2 lines |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuToggleText = "Slå"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllText = "Alle artikler"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuToggleText = "Vis/Skjul"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllText = "Alle elementer"; |
At line 225 changed 6 lines |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckItemsWithDotText = "Varer startende med \" \""; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckTodayText = "Ændret dag"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckWeekText = "Ændret denne uge"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckMonthText = "Ændret denne måned"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheck2MonthsText = "Ændret i sidste 60 dage"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheck3MonthsText = "Ændret i sidste 90 dage"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckItemsWithDotText = "Elementer der begynder med \".\""; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckTodayText = "Ændret i dag"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckWeekText = "Ændret i denne uge"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckMonthText = "Ændret i denne måned"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheck2MonthsText = "Ændret indenfor de sidste 60 dage"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheck3MonthsText = "Ændret indenfor de sidste 90 dage"; |
// Page size selection menu item. |
localizations.PageSizeSelectionLinkText = "Vis {0} elementer pr. side"; |
//Webinterface labels |
localizations.CopyrightText = "© 2012 <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">CrushFTP</a>"; |
localizations.PoweredByText = "Powered by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">CrushFTP</a>"; |
// Applet browse window title options |
localizations.advancedUploadItemsSelectionWindowTitle = "Vælg elemmenter til upload.."; |
localizations.advancedDownloadPathSelectionWindowTitle = "Vælg stien hvortil der skal downloades.."; |
localizations.advancedOperationsDownloadStatus = "Downloader"; |
localizations.advancedOperationsUploadStatus = "Uploader"; |
At line 232 changed 2 lines |
// Sidestørrelse valg menupunkt. |
localizations.PageSizeSelectionLinkText = "Vis {0} elementer på side"; |
localizations.maxAllowedDownloadSizeReached = "Downloadstørrelsen overskrider den maksimale tilladte størrelse"; //Header of growl to display when download reaches maximum allowed size |
localizations.maxAllowedDownloadSizeReachedText = "Maximalt tilladte størrelse til download : {size}. <br />Anvend den avancerede downloader, eller tilføj til downloadkurven i stedet for."; //Text of growl to display when download reaches maximum allowed size |
At line 235 changed 3 lines |
// Contextmenu |
localizations.CopyLinkWindowHeaderText = "Kopiere direkte link."; |
localizations.CopyLinkText = "Kopiere link"; |
// Change icon window items |
localizations.ChangeIconWindowHeaderText = "Skift ikon "; |
localizations.ChangeIconWindowInstructionsText = "Vælg et lille billede der skal bruges som ikon for valgte elementer:"; |
localizations.ChangeIconWindowSelectedFilesLabelText = "Valgt fil : "; |
localizations.ChangeIconWindowCancelLinkText = "Annuller"; |
localizations.ChangeIconWindowUpdateLinkText = "Gem"; |
localizations.ChangeIconFileSelectAlertText = "Vælg venligst en billedfil for at fortsætte."; |
At line 239 changed one line |
// Webinterface etiketter |
//unzip operation |
localizations.UnzipStartedAlertTitleText = "Udpakning er påbegyndt"; |
localizations.UnzipStartedAlertDescText = "Udpakningen af de valgte filer er påbegyndt"; |
localizations.UnzipCompletedAlertTitleText = "Udpakningen er gennemført"; |
localizations.UnzipCompletedAlertDescText = "Udpakningen af de valgte filer er afsluttet"; |
//zip operation |
localizations.ZipStartedAlertTitleText = "Pakningen er påbegyndt"; |
localizations.ZipStartedAlertDescText = "Pakningen af de valgte filer er påbegyndt"; |
localizations.ZipCompletedAlertTitleText = "Pakningen er gennemført"; |
localizations.ZipCompletedAlertDescText = "Pakningen af de valgte filer er afsluttet"; |
//Signup-Page |
localizations.RegisterWindowProcessCompleteMessage = "Du kan logge ind med den oprettede bruger så snart den er aktiveret af administratoren."; |
//Data size format items |
localizations.dataFormatBytes = "bytes"; |
localizations.dataFormatKiloBytes = "KB"; |
localizations.dataFormatMegaBytes = "MB"; |
localizations.dataFormatGigaBytes = "GB"; |
localizations.dataFormatTeraBytes = "TB"; |
localizations.loadingIndicatorText = "Vent venligst..."; |
//Server message localized |
localizations.share_complete = "Deling gennemført."; |
localizations.share_email_sent = "E-mailen blev afsendt."; |
localizations.share_open_in_email_client = "Åben i dit e-mailprogram"; |
//SyncManager localized |
localizations.syncManagerEnterCrushSyncPasswordText = 'Indtast CrushSync kodeord :'; |
localizations.syncManagerEnterPasswordTitleText = 'Kodeord'; |
localizations.syncManagerPageTitleText = 'CrushSync - WebInterface'; |
localizations.syncManagerRefreshButtonText = 'Opdater'; |
localizations.syncManagerPleaseWaitText = 'Vent venligst...'; |
localizations.syncManagerChangeAdminPasswordText = 'Skift agenten/agenternes administrator-kodeord'; |
localizations.syncManagerDataTakingLongTimeNoteText = 'Hvis det tager for lang tid at vise synkroniseringsagenterne, tjek at <strong>CrushSync</strong> kører og er konfigureret rigtigt.'; |
localizations.syncManagerAdminPasswordNotCorrectText = 'Forkert administrator-kodeord. <a href="#" class="reloadPage">Klik her</a> for at indtaste kodeordet igen.'; |
localizations.syncManagerConfigTabText = 'Konfiguration'; |
localizations.syncManagerLogTabText = 'Log'; |
localizations.syncManagerStatusLabelText = 'Status ='; |
localizations.syncManagerSyncNotRunningTitleText = 'Kører ikke'; |
localizations.syncManagerSyncUploadTitleText = 'Upload'; |
localizations.syncManagerSyncDownloadTitleText = 'Download'; |
localizations.syncManagerTestButtonText = 'Test'; |
localizations.syncManagerCreateNewSyncButtonText = 'Opret ny Sync'; |
localizations.syncManagerSetAgentNameButtonText = 'Indstil agentnavn'; |
localizations.syncManagerLastAgentCommunicationText = 'Sidste agentkommunikation : '; |
localizations.syncManagerStartButtonText = 'Start Sync'; |
localizations.syncManagerStopButtonText = 'Stop Sync'; |
localizations.syncManagerDeleteButtonText = 'Slet konfiguration'; |
localizations.syncManagerAdvancedSettingsButtonText = 'Avancerede indstillinger'; |
localizations.syncManagerSaveSettingsButtonText = 'Gem indstillinger'; |
localizations.syncManagerLocalFolderText = 'Lokal mappe ='; |
localizations.syncManagerRequestSubmittedText = 'Din forespørgsel blev modtaget på serveren, vent venligst imens data opdateres.'; |
localizations.syncManagerServerPathNotValidText = 'Den valgte server-sti er ikke gyldig eller Sync er ikke slået til'; |
localizations.syncManagerErrorText = 'Fejl : '; |
localizations.syncManagerBrowseButtonText = 'Gennemse'; |
localizations.syncManagerServerPathText = 'Server-sti ='; |
localizations.syncManagerAutoStartText = 'Autostart Sync'; |
localizations.syncManagerAllowTunnelText = 'Tillad tunnel?'; |
localizations.syncManagerAllowCompressionText = 'Tillad kompression?'; |
localizations.syncManagerReadOnlyText = 'Skrivebeskyttet?'; |
localizations.syncManagerDontWaitForStabilizationText = 'Vent ikke for fil-stabilisering'; |
localizations.syncManagerScheduledTimesText = 'Planlæg tider ='; |
localizations.syncManagerAddButtonText = 'Tilføj'; |
localizations.syncManagerRefreshLogButtonText = 'Opdater Log'; |
localizations.syncManagerLiveUpdateText = 'Live opdatering'; |
localizations.syncManagerScrollWithActivityText = 'Scroll ved aktivitet'; |
localizations.syncManagerFindText = 'Find ='; |
localizations.syncManagerRegexSearchText = 'Regex søgning?'; |
localizations.syncManagerClearFilterText = 'Nulstil'; |
localizations.syncManagerEmailLogButtonText = 'E-mail log'; |
localizations.syncManagerLogLastUpdatedText = 'Log sidst opdateret : <span class="logUpdatedTimestamp"></span>'; |
localizations.syncManagerBackToTopText = 'Tilbage til toppen'; |
localizations.syncManagerExistingPasswordText = 'Nuværende kodeord ='; |
localizations.syncManagerNewPasswordText = 'Nyt kodeord ='; |
localizations.syncManagerConfirmPasswordText = 'Bekræft kodeord ='; |
localizations.PoweredByText = 'Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">CrushFTP</a>'; |
localizations.CopyrightText = '© 2012 <a href="" target="_blank">CrushFTP</a>'; |
localizations.syncManagerEnterPasswordText = 'Indtast venligst et kodeord'; |
localizations.syncManagerPasswordDoesNotMatchText = 'De to kodeord stemmer ikke overens'; |
localizations.syncManagerPasswordChangedText = 'Dit kodeord blev ændret, log venligst ind igen.'; |
localizations.syncManagerEnterAgentNameText = 'Indtast agentnavn :'; |
localizations.syncManagerUnableToConnectToTheServerText = 'Indtast agentnavn :'; |
localizations.syncManagerMailSentText = 'E-mail afsendt : '; |
localizations.syncManagerMailSentDescText = 'Log blev sendt via e-mail'; |
localizations.syncManagerMailSendingFailedText = 'Afsendelse af e-mail fejlede : '; |
localizations.syncManagerEnterTimeText = 'Indtast et planlægningstidspunkt : (24-timers format)'; |
localizations.syncManagerScheduleTitleText = 'Planlægningstidspunkt'; |
localizations.syncManagerInvalidTimeText = 'Forkert tidsformat, prøve venligst igen'; |
//Webinterface labels |