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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
Clipboard05.jpg 139.3 kB 1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ada Csaba
Clipboard05.png 116.6 kB 1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ada Csaba
IMG_2500.jpg 191.7 kB 1 08-Aug-2023 06:44 Sandor
IMG_2501.jpg 464.9 kB 1 08-Aug-2023 06:45 Sandor
IMG_2502.jpg 52.0 kB 1 08-Aug-2023 06:46 Sandor
servercfg001.png 23.0 kB 5 01-Jul-2021 04:11 Sandor
servercfg002.png 54.1 kB 4 06-Jul-2021 02:18 Sandor actualized v10
servercfg002.png.png 54.1 kB 1 06-Jul-2021 02:12 Sandor actualized v10
servercfg003.png 64.4 kB 4 06-Jul-2021 02:19 Sandor
servercfg004.png 43.2 kB 4 06-Jul-2021 02:19 Sandor
tokencfg001.png 101.9 kB 2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ada Csaba
tokencfg002.png 96.2 kB 2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ada Csaba
tokencfg003.png 37.4 kB 2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ada Csaba

This page (revision-44) was last changed on 08-Aug-2023 06:55 by Sandor

This page was created on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Ada Csaba

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Difference between version and

At line 1 changed one line
In CrushFTP version 10 we can integrate our One Time Password (__[OTP|OTP Settings]__) based authentication feature with Google's and Microsoft's software-based token device __Google Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator__, using Time based OTP (TOTP). The user can register a QR code into Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator app.\\
In CrushFTP version 10 we can integrate our One Time Password (__[OTP|OTP Settings]__) based authentication feature with Google's and Microsoft's software-based token device __Google Authenticator__ and __Microsoft Authenticator__, using Time based OTP (TOTP). The user can register a QR code into Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator app.\\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
44 08-Aug-2023 06:55 4.955 kB Sandor to previous
43 08-Aug-2023 06:48 4.951 kB Sandor to previous | to last
42 08-Aug-2023 06:46 4.943 kB Sandor to previous | to last
41 08-Aug-2023 06:44 4.947 kB Sandor to previous | to last
« This page (revision-44) was last changed on 08-Aug-2023 06:55 by Sandor
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