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This page (revision-5) was last changed on 17-Nov-2023 16:12 by Ada Csaba

This page was created on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Ben Spink

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Difference between version and

At line 1 added 3 lines
__IMPORTANT: due to the security updates since CrushFTP version 10.5.2+ any JDBC driver jar file needs to be placed into the CrushFTP10/plugins/lib/ directory, or it won't load.__
At line 28 added 4 lines
If you have multiple servers dumping logs to the same table, make a new column for autonumbering and have that be primary key. Do not use the default primary key or there will be problems logging and the servers will run out of memory.\\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
5 17-Nov-2023 16:12 4.239 kB Ada Csaba to previous
4 29-Dec-2020 05:25 4.05 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 3.798 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 0.676 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 0.447 kB Ben Spink to last
« This page (revision-5) was last changed on 17-Nov-2023 16:12 by Ada Csaba
G’day (anonymous guest)
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