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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
assignform.png 17.2 kB 1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
registration.png 31.8 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable0.png 116.0 kB 1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable1.png 54.7 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable2.png 22.9 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable3.png 22.3 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable4.png 63.2 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
signupform.png 180.8 kB 2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád

This page (revision-10) was last changed on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Halmágyi Árpád

This page was created on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Ben Spink

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At line 15 changed one line
So for the two required items, they would be 'registration_username' and 'registration_password'. You can have more items, just look at a user.xml file to see other element names. So if you wanted to include email in the registration, you would do 'registration_email'. If you want to prepend the user to one group you can use 'pendingSelfRegistration' as a dropdown box and set the possible group values in it. The user that way will be part of the selected group, just will need to be enabled by the group admin.
So for the two required items, they would be 'registration_username' and 'registration_password'. You can have more items, just look at a user.XML file to see other element names. So if you wanted to include email in the registration, you would do 'registration_email'. If you want to prepend the user to one group you can use 'pendingSelfRegistration' as a dropdown box and set the possible group values in it. The user that way will be part of the selected group, just will need to be enabled by the group admin.
At line 47 changed one line
At line 49 changed one line
C:/Users/Admin/Program Files/CrushFTP6_PC/users/MainUsers/{registration_username}/user.XML
C:/Program Files/CrushFTP8_PC/users/MainUsers/{registration_username}/user.XML
[attachments|Self Registration/selfregister auto enable0.png]
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
10 29-Dec-2020 05:25 4.342 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous
9 29-Dec-2020 05:25 4.342 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous | to last
8 29-Dec-2020 05:25 4.29 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous | to last
7 29-Dec-2020 05:25 4.045 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous | to last
6 29-Dec-2020 05:25 3.768 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous | to last
5 29-Dec-2020 05:25 3.356 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
4 29-Dec-2020 05:25 2.296 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 1.767 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 1.606 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 1.029 kB Ben Spink to last
« This page (revision-10) was last changed on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Halmágyi Árpád
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