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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
assignform.png 17.2 kB 1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
registration.png 31.8 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable0.png 116.0 kB 1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable1.png 54.7 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable2.png 22.9 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable3.png 22.3 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
selfregister auto enable4.png 63.2 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád
signupform.png 180.8 kB 2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Halmágyi Árpád

This page (revision-10) was last changed on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Halmágyi Árpád

This page was created on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Ben Spink

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Difference between version and

At line 11 added 5 lines
The next step is to make a form named "messageForm" in the [Preferences], [WebInterface|WebInterfacePrefs], Custom Forms. There are only two required items for the form, the username and password. Every field item must have a 'name' that starts with 'registration_'.
So for the two required items, they would be 'registration_username' and 'registration_password'. You can have more items, just look at a user.xml file to see other element names. So if you wanted to include email in the registration, you would do 'registration_email'.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
10 29-Dec-2020 05:25 4.342 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous
9 29-Dec-2020 05:25 4.342 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous | to last
8 29-Dec-2020 05:25 4.29 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous | to last
7 29-Dec-2020 05:25 4.045 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous | to last
6 29-Dec-2020 05:25 3.768 kB Halmágyi Árpád to previous | to last
5 29-Dec-2020 05:25 3.356 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
4 29-Dec-2020 05:25 2.296 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 1.767 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 1.606 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
1 29-Dec-2020 05:25 1.029 kB Ben Spink to last
« This page (revision-10) was last changed on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Halmágyi Árpád
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