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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
app_inv_permission.png 64.3 kB 1 25-Nov-2021 07:02 krivacsz
app_permission_admin_consent.p... 85.3 kB 1 08-Sep-2023 15:05 krivacsz
app_permission_vfs_item.png 105.2 kB 2 08-Sep-2023 15:13 krivacsz
app_reg_new.png 57.5 kB 1 25-Nov-2021 06:25 krivacsz
app_reg_new_success.png 58.7 kB 1 25-Nov-2021 06:35 krivacsz
client_id.png 93.9 kB 1 24-Nov-2021 04:26 krivacsz
new_registration.png 83.3 kB 3 24-Nov-2021 09:10 krivacsz
new_secret.png 81.9 kB 2 24-Nov-2021 09:10 krivacsz
permission_final.png 165.2 kB 1 24-Nov-2021 04:26 krivacsz
permission_microsoft_graph.png 182.9 kB 1 24-Nov-2021 04:26 krivacsz
register_app.png 230.6 kB 1 24-Nov-2021 04:26 krivacsz
remote_item_done.png 92.4 kB 1 24-Nov-2021 05:30 krivacsz
remote_item_settings.png 120.4 kB 1 24-Nov-2021 04:42 krivacsz
remote_item_sharepoint_specifi... 22.8 kB 1 24-Nov-2021 05:33 krivacsz
secret_value.png 42.7 kB 1 24-Nov-2021 09:50 krivacsz
sharepoint2_vfs.png 165.8 kB 1 25-Nov-2021 07:19 krivacsz

This page (revision-116) was last changed on 29-Nov-2023 01:59 by krivacsz

This page was created on 24-Nov-2021 03:57 by krivacsz

Only authorized users are allowed to rename pages.

Only authorized users are allowed to delete pages.

Difference between version and

At line 2 added 3 lines
More info about Microsft Graph REST API: [}]\\
At line 4 removed one line
__!!!Constraint:__ Microsoft Graph REST API does not support stream upload. In order to integrate with CrushFTP the files are temporarily stored as local files (CrushFTP install folder/sharepoint/) during the upload.\\
At line 21 changed one line
__API permission:__ You must also provide permission for the Microsoft Graph. Go to the Api permission. Click on Add Permission, and select Microsoft Graph.
__API permission:__ You must also provide permission for the Microsoft Graph. Go to the Api permission. Click on Add Permission, and select Microsoft Graph. About __Microsoft Graph Permission__ see more details at [] (it explains Application Permission and Delegated Permission).\\
At line 25 changed one line
It permits a Server to server-to-server authentication. Add __Files.REadWriteAll__ permission. And Grant Admin consent on the added permission.\\
__Available on Version 10.5.1 Build : 14+__\\
At line 29 added 2 lines
It permits a Server to __server-to-server__ authentication. Add __Files.REadWriteAll__ permission.\\
At line 33 added 4 lines
Grant __Admin consent__ on the added permission.\\
At line 44 added one line
At line 38 changed one line
!!!1.2 Delegated permission:\\
__Authentication related settings:__\\
At line 49 added 12 lines
__User name:__ Itt must start with "app_permission", then the Client ID separated with tilda.\\
app_permission~<<Client ID>>
__Password:__ Client Secret.\\
__Tennant:__ The tenant id. Tenant: See your App registration -> Overview -> EndPoints. Based on the App Registration Account type it can be an ID, common, or consumer.\\
Provide the SharePoint-specific settings. See under the __1.3.Sharepoint-specific settings.__ ( Link: []\\
!!!1.2 Delegated Permission:\\
At line 71 added one line
At line 64 changed one line
!!!1.3.Sharepoint specific settings:__\\
!!!1.3.Sharepoint-specific settings:__\\
At line 69 changed one line
__Site Path__: The path of the SharePoint site. It should start and end with slash.\\
__Site Path__: The path of the SharePoint site. It should start and end with a slash.\\
At line 81 changed one line
__!!!Constraint:__ On newer Sharepoint (after 2019) Grant App permission is disabled by default. To enable Custom Application APP Authentication run the following PowerShell commands:\\
__!!!Constraint:__ On newer Sharepoint (after 2019) Grant App permission as it is disabled by default. To enable Custom Application APP Authentication run the following PowerShell commands:\\
At line 102 changed one line
__Advantage(Compared with MSGraph API)__: Stream upload supported. There is no temporarily stored local file during the upload.\\
__Advantage(Compared with MSGraph API Delegated Permission)__: Stream upload supported. There is no temporarily stored local file during the upload.\\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
116 29-Nov-2023 01:59 7.714 kB krivacsz to previous
115 29-Nov-2023 01:56 7.693 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
114 02-Nov-2023 11:13 7.687 kB Sandor to previous | to last
113 14-Sep-2023 05:49 7.686 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
112 08-Sep-2023 15:25 7.549 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
111 08-Sep-2023 15:24 7.48 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
110 08-Sep-2023 15:18 7.352 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
109 08-Sep-2023 15:18 7.572 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
108 08-Sep-2023 15:17 7.521 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
107 08-Sep-2023 15:16 7.517 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
106 08-Sep-2023 15:15 7.465 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
105 08-Sep-2023 15:14 7.276 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
104 08-Sep-2023 15:08 7.227 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
103 08-Sep-2023 15:07 7.086 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
102 08-Sep-2023 15:06 7.079 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
101 08-Sep-2023 15:01 7.025 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
« This page (revision-116) was last changed on 29-Nov-2023 01:59 by krivacsz
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