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admin_limited2.jpg 456.2 kB 1 17-Oct-2023 17:17 Ada Csaba

This page (revision-37) was last changed on 17-Oct-2023 18:21 by Ada Csaba

This page was created on 17-Oct-2023 16:00 by Ada Csaba

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At line 5 changed one line
View only or full admin access to User Manager.
;Allow viewing of users in the user manager: view-only access to __[User Manager|User Manager]__.
;Allow viewing and editing of users in the user manager: full fledged useradmin.
At line 7 changed 6 lines
;term:definition text
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;Allow viewing list of job configurations: view only access to the __[Job|jobs]__ page, __Available jobs__ list.
;Allow viewing list of previously run jobs: view only access to the __Active jobs__ list.
;Allow viewing job configurations: view only access to individual Jobs' __Designer__ panel.
;Allow monitoring jobs: required by the __[Job Monitoring|Monitoring Jobs]__ use case.
;Allow running jobs: allows execution of all jobs, or execution of specific jobs in the Job Monitoring use case.
;Allow viewing, running, end editing of jobs: full fledged jobadmin rights. Requires the __Allow viewing of server files, including the server log, job logs, and any other file on the server...__ permission below, or the limited admin to have it's VFS pointed to the top level directory jobs operate on.
At line 14 changed 2 lines
;term:definition text
;term:definition text
;Allow viewing report configurations: view-only access to pre-configured __[Reports|Reports]__.
;Allow viewing and running reports: the above and permission to run pre-configured reports.
;Allow viewing, running, and editing of reports: full reports admin. Requires the __Allow viewing of server files, including the server log, job logs, and any other file on the server...__ permission to be able to export reports' results.
At line 17 changed 2 lines
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;Allow viewing of shares (TempAccounts): view-only access to the global __[Manage Shares|Manage Shares]__ admin panel.
;Allow viewing, and editing of shares (TempAccounts): full access for the same. Requires the __Allow viewing of server files, including the server log, job logs, and any other file on the server...__ permission to be able to relocate the __TempAccounts__ storage directory.
At line 20 changed 2 lines
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;Allow viewing server preferences: view-only access to the server's __[Preferences|Preferences]__ page.
;Allow viewing and editing of preferences: allows changing server preferences. Requires the __Allow viewing of server files, including the server log, job logs, and any other file on the server...__ permission to be able to relocate the logs.
At line 26 added 4 lines
;Allow viewing of server files, including the server log, job logs, and any other file on the server that has a ".log" extension.: enables access to the server file system from the admin webinterface. A requirement to allow to relocate certain components, see above.
;Allow viewing server status info: Allows visiting the __Status__ page on the __[Dashboard|Dashboard]__. Enables also the log viewer.
;Allow viewing server status info, and executing server actions (restart port, kick user, etc.): Allows the above in addition to be able to restart the server listeners.
;Allow running server self update: Allows running updates from the __[About|About]__ page.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
37 17-Oct-2023 18:21 3.568 kB Ada Csaba to previous
36 17-Oct-2023 18:13 3.546 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
35 17-Oct-2023 18:08 3.182 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
34 17-Oct-2023 18:07 2.88 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
33 17-Oct-2023 18:04 2.576 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
32 17-Oct-2023 18:03 2.572 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
31 17-Oct-2023 18:01 2.442 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
30 17-Oct-2023 17:59 2.189 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
29 17-Oct-2023 17:57 2.177 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
28 17-Oct-2023 17:55 2.092 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
27 17-Oct-2023 17:52 1.708 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
26 17-Oct-2023 17:51 1.711 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
25 17-Oct-2023 17:44 1.249 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
24 17-Oct-2023 17:40 1.062 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
23 17-Oct-2023 17:39 1.06 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
22 17-Oct-2023 17:39 1.062 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
21 17-Oct-2023 17:39 1.063 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
« This page (revision-37) was last changed on 17-Oct-2023 18:21 by Ada Csaba
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