This tab has options for how CrushFTP handles its logging. Here you can specify if you want the server to log to disk, and if you want it to keep a rolling log every 10 MB. (you can change this). CrushFTP will automatically name the log files with unique names as they reach the maximum size. You can also control how many lines to put in the server log window.

The extended logging can be used to send the CrushFTP log to a DB or SysLog server. Changing the extra logging location requires a restart of CrushFTP for the change to take effect.


The other tab allows you to turn on and off different logging types...essentially the "tag" that goes with each logged line entry.


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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
prefs_logging_settings.png 100.7 kB 3 02-Nov-2021 13:56 Ben Spink
prefs_logging_window_disk.png 124.2 kB 3 02-Nov-2021 13:56 Ben Spink
« This page (revision-4) was last changed on 02-Nov-2021 13:59 by Ben Spink
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