
Check for New Versions
toggle on/off and set the frequency of checking for new versions on our update repository; requires outbound Internet access to over HTTPS
Auto IP discovery refresh interval in minutes
toggle on/off and set the frequency of visiting to check the public IP of the server.
List zip app
DMZ only listens for connections from master ServerBeat server
in the specific cluster scenario when multiple Main nodes set up with ServerBeat map to a single DMZ proxy, toggles the DMZ node to only listen to the ServerBeat Master node. Takes effect only on a DMZ instance. This particular use scenario is fit for specific purpose, generally not recommanded.
Restart Command
Site acknowledgement
Geo ip access key
the geoIP map on the Dashboard requires an active subscription to Input here the API key

Date time related:#

use GMT instead of server time to set the uplaoded files' time stamp.
Show Date-Time
toggle displaying server time on the admin GUI
Log Date / Time Format
date time format string for log lines' time stamp
WebDAV Timezone Offset
offset the date modified metaparameter of files uploaded over WebDAV

Security related:#

Slow Down Hack Attempt Scans
will incrementally slow down responses to clients that appear to be a robot scanning for writable directories on your server.
Default 'owner' of settings files
applies only under UNIX-like operating systems. By default the daemon will run as root, can change the owner of our config files (chown)
Default 'group' of settings files
same as above, sets the group (chgrp)
Pre-check PGP decrypt on the fly downloads
Remember invalid usernames for x seconds
sets the time interval to cache usernames attempted with bad password. When using the LDAP Group or other identity integration plugins, this parameter needs always to be set 0
Trusted IP Parts
in case of CrushTunnel or other proxied scenarios where the user's source IP may not match exactly every time, such as different proxy servers getting used and the source IP changes.

FTP specific,global:#

Always do RETR in BINARY
Force download to binary mode always
Always do STOR in BINARY
Force upload to binary always
Allow extended passive and port commands (EPSV/EPRT)
enables the IPv6 extensions for FTP as per rfc2428
Allow local passive IP
toggles inclusion of the local server IPs in the passive IP detection logic.
Allow MLST
enable rfc3659 extensions for FTP
Allow listing subdirectories via LIST
File transfer mode
default value BINARY, keep it that way, except when simulating some obsolete mainframe class FTP server
RFC Proxy
tries to pass through proxied FTP responses directly instead of interpretation.
Server Start Message
sets a global welcome message

HTTP/S specific,global:#

Disable Referer Cookie
obsolete, to be removed. Superseeded by Referrer-Policy security header, can apply that on our CSP page
HTTP Redirect Base
default value DISABLED, clear when using one of our SSO integration plugins.

SFTP specific, global:#

Allow 0 byte SSH file
workaround to allow touch
Recurse SFTP Delete
workaround to allow recursive delete of directories

File folder access/listings and processing related:#

Allow Directory Caching
memcache dir listings for faster response, reduces CPU usage with the expense of higher memory usage
Use 'Is-la' for directory listings (OSX, Unix, Linux)
use OS native commands to generate dir listings to honor file system level permissions. Slow and CPU intensive. Required when using POSIX options.
Count folder items
toggle counting subfolders when display the number of items in a directory, over the client Webinterface.
Case sensitive list search
toggle between case sensitive directory search over the client Webinterface
Create home folder
workaround for orphaned VFS, will create recursively the physical directories on first upload
Fix Slashes
Instant chmod
Sort Listings
toggles displaying a dir listing in ascending alphabetical order. By default, we'll display the listing in natural order, as the storage backend presents it to us.
for user uploads and files processed by Jobs, toggles the default UNIX file system level owner and group same as set in "Default 'owner' of settings files" and "Default 'group' of settings files: ". Can be overridden by per user POSIX.
Zip Compression Level
sets the compression level for zip downloads
toggles support for Zip64 compression for large files. Default zip is limited to 4GB per block.
Zip64 Always
forces Zip64 for all zip downloads.
Disable MDTM modifications
disallow the uploading client to set custom date modified. Applies to all transport protocols.
Allow '.zipstream' Expansion
Zip files with .zipstream extension will automatically be unarchived on upload.
Delete partial uploads
complements the per user temporary extension feature. If both enabled, the server will cleanup partial files after an interrupted upload.
Allow Magic '.filetree' Download
Unsafe filename characters
URL-unsafe special characters, like /,\,*,%,: will cause the server to be unable to list uplaoded files, or not to save to disk at all. Can define a custom list of characters to be automatically replaced with a safe special character, like - or _
Replace unsafe filename characters with
define the replacement special character.

User accounts related:#

Default privs for new VFS items in User Manager
can change the default read only VFS permissions . Accepted values:
(read) - Download (write) - Upload (view) - List directory content (delete) - Delete file (deletedir) - Delete folder (makedir) - Create folder (rename) - Rename file (resume) - Resume file transfer (share) - Allow Share/Publish (slideshow) - Allow playback of image files as slide show in the Webinterface (invisible) - Hide folder with all of it's contents (replicate) - In case of a cluster with file replication, toggle replication (locked) - Prevent changes on that directory level
Track Last Logins
keep the most recent login date time stored by the user accounts database. Can cause user corruption on slow disks.
Keep x backups of users in User Manager
the amount of backup copies to store of each user account.
Force Lowercase Usernames
store user names in all lowercase by the user accounts database.

Performance related:#

Allow re-use in Email Events
allows you to have multiple email Events that all include the same notifications on files. Obsolete feature that complements the old email template based Events. We recommand CrushTask Email events, with chained Email tasks instead.
Run Events Asynchronously
Async events run on a separate thread from the event hook. This option forces all events set to Auto to run async. Can be overridden on a per user basis.
Maximum jobs to scan for job monitor
limits the number of jobs history displayed on teh Jobs page "Active Jobs" panel.
Max Threads
limits the global server thread pool size.
Max items before CrushFTP tries to trigger an alert and logs errors about giant directories which may cause memory issues
operating on huge directory structures is memory intensive, can set a threshold to warn the user

Amazon S3 storage protocol specific:#

Defaults are fine, do not change these, unless specifically recommanded by us.
Max Download Buffer
Download Threads
Upload Buffer
Upload Threads
Download Buffer
Disable uploads in progress and resume

Add new attachment

Only authorized users are allowed to upload new attachments.

List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
misc1.png 19.5 kB 2 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
misc2.png 28.8 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
misc3.png 18.4 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
misc4.png 23.5 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
misc5.jpg 243.7 kB 1 09-Apr-2021 20:31 Ada Csaba
miscv10.5.2.3.jpg 336.1 kB 1 12-Oct-2023 16:58 Ada Csaba
miscv10.jpg 193.2 kB 1 10-Apr-2021 00:52 Ada Csaba
« This page (revision-60) was last changed on 12-Oct-2023 16:58 by Ada Csaba
G’day (anonymous guest)
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