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Each VFS in the User Manager can have a quota configured on it. This quota applies to all subdirectories from where the quota is configured. The quota is calculated in realtime as the user navigates each folder. This can be CPU/Disk intensive if the user has access to large directory structures with many thousands of files.

The quota config has a few different options.

1.) Credit based quota - the actual size of files on disk is irrelevant, the quota is simply a value that decreases when the user uploads, and increases when they delete files. This is not CPU/Disk intensive, although it does require updating the user profile at every logout with the new values. This is not appropriate for a user using many threads to do file transfers as this causes synchronization issues.

2.) Real file quota.

3.) Async Quota - quota_async

4.) User global quota

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« This particular version was published on 28-Sep-2021 02:06 by Ben Spink.
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