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Each panel section in the user manager can be collapsed, or expanded. By default they are all expanded...although you may not see anything in a section unless you are overriding the default setting.

When a section is collapsed, it will have a dark grey color to it. Clicking the '+' sign will expand it. In my example screenshot, the 'Tunnels' section is expanded. The setting in the 'Tunnels' panel is currently being inherited from the 'vnc' user.


The 'Quick Jump' selection that is selected in the example will quickly jump down to a specific panel, and flash it once to get your attention. In this screenshot all panels are visible, so it serves no purpose, but you get the idea.

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
panels.png 71.4 kB 3 29-Dec-2020 05:25 Ben Spink
« This particular version was published on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Ben Spink.
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