Here is the source code to the WebApplication plugin. Someone may find this useful in developing their own plugins. Same rules on how to make the package structure. (Third Party)
This plugin expects a user.XML file response, a VFS.XML file response, and a custom VFS items response...example provided below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <VFS type="vector"> <VFS_subitem type="properties"> <type>FILE</type> <dir>/</dir> <name>HOME</name> <data type="vector"> <data_subitem type="properties"> <url>FILE://home/crushftp/testuser1/HOME/</url> <type>DIR</type> </data_subitem> </data> </VFS_subitem> </VFS>
package WebApplication; import java.util.*; import*; import; import; import crushftp.handlers.Common; import crushftp.handlers.SessionCrush; import crushftp.handlers.UserTools; import crushftp.server.ServerStatus; public class Start implements Serializable { Properties settings = new Properties(); String version = "5.0.4"; Common c = new Common(); public Properties getDefaults() { Properties p = new Properties(); p.put("enabled", "false"); p.put("debug", "false"); p.put("user_url", ""); p.put("user_post_data", ""); p.put("permissions_url", ""); p.put("permissions_post_data", ""); p.put("vfs_url", ""); p.put("vfs_post_data", ""); p.put("method", "GET"); p.put("username", "%username%"); p.put("password", c.encode_pass("%password%", "DES")); p.put("usernameTemplate", ""); p.put("overwrite_vfs", "true"); p.put("server_item", "All"); p.put("version", version); return p; } public void setSettings(Properties p) throws Exception { settings = p; } public Properties getSettings() { settings.put("version", version); return settings; } public Object run(Properties info) { if (!settings.getProperty("enabled").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) return null; if (info.getProperty("action", "").equals("login")) { Properties user_info = (Properties) info.get("user_info"); if (user_info == null) user_info = new Properties(); if (info.getProperty("action", "").equals("login") && (get("server_item").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("All") || get("server_item").trim().length() == 0 || user_info.getProperty("listen_ip_port", "").equals(get("server_item").trim()))) { loadUser(info); } } return null; } public String replace_vars(String the_line, String username, String password) { try { the_line = Common.replace_str(the_line, "%user_name%", username); } catch (Exception e) { } try { the_line = Common.replace_str(the_line, "%username%", username); } catch (Exception e) { } try { the_line = Common.replace_str(the_line, "%user_password%", password); } catch (Exception e) { } try { the_line = Common.replace_str(the_line, "%user_pass%", password); } catch (Exception e) { } try { the_line = Common.replace_str(the_line, "%password%", password); } catch (Exception e) { } return the_line; } public void loadUser(Properties info) { boolean found_user = false; //we set a bunch of values to the defaults since we don't have options for them in LDAP Properties user = (Properties) info.get("user"); Properties user_info = (Properties) info.get("user_info"); SessionCrush thisSession = (SessionCrush) info.get("ServerSession"); String username = info.getProperty("username"); String password = info.getProperty("password"); username = username.replaceAll("/", ""); username = username.replaceAll("\\\\", ""); try { msg("Checking login information for user."); if (!password.trim().equals("")) { //user.XML String url = replace_vars(get("user_url"), username, password); String post_data = replace_vars(get("user_post_data"), username, password); try { url = ServerStatus.thisObj.change_vars_to_values(url, thisSession); } catch (Exception e) { } try { post_data = ServerStatus.thisObj.change_vars_to_values(post_data, thisSession); } catch (Exception e) { } String userXML = getResult(url, post_data, replace_vars(get("username"), username, password), replace_vars(c.decode_pass(get("password")), username, password)); Properties theUser = (Properties) Common.readXMLObject(new ByteArrayInputStream(userXML.getBytes("UTF8"))); theUser.put("username", username); theUser.put("password", c.encode_pass(password, "DES")); //VFS.XML url = replace_vars(get("permissions_url"), username, password); post_data = replace_vars(get("permissions_post_data"), username, password); try { url = ServerStatus.thisObj.change_vars_to_values(url, thisSession); } catch (Exception e) { } try { post_data = ServerStatus.thisObj.change_vars_to_values(post_data, thisSession); } catch (Exception e) { } String permissionsXML = getResult(url, post_data, replace_vars(get("username"), username, password), replace_vars(c.decode_pass(get("password")), username, password)); Properties permissions = (Properties) Common.readXMLObject(new ByteArrayInputStream(permissionsXML.getBytes("UTF8"))); //VFS items XML url = replace_vars(get("vfs_url"), username, password); post_data = replace_vars(get("vfs_post_data"), username, password); try { url = ServerStatus.thisObj.change_vars_to_values(url, thisSession); } catch (Exception e) { } try { post_data = ServerStatus.thisObj.change_vars_to_values(post_data, thisSession); } catch (Exception e) { } String vfsXML = getResult(url, post_data, replace_vars(get("username"), username, password), replace_vars(c.decode_pass(get("password")), username, password)); Vector VFSItems = (Vector) Common.readXMLObject(new ByteArrayInputStream(vfsXML.getBytes("UTF8"))); msg("Credentials OK."); msg("got users information:" + theUser); if (theUser != null) { boolean loadedUser = loadTemplateUser(user, info); found_user = true; user.putAll(theUser); String users_path = System.getProperty("crushftp.plugins") + "plugins/WebApplication_VFS/" + username; msg("Creating file system for user..."); info.put("VFSItems", VFSItems); info.put("permissions", permissions); info.put("uVFS", users_path); info.put("templateUser", get("usernameTemplate")); info.put("overwrite_vfs", get("overwrite_vfs")); user.put("root_dir", "/"); msg("User loaded."); } } } catch (Exception e) { msg(e); } msg("found_user:" + found_user); if (found_user) { info.put("action", "success"); } } public String getResult(String url, String post_data, String username, String password) throws Exception { String stars = "******************************************************************************************************************************************"; msg("getResult..url:" + url); msg("getResult...post_data:" + post_data); msg("getResult...username:" + username); msg("getResult...password:" + stars.substring(0, password.length())); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection(); connection.setDoOutput(get("method").equalsIgnoreCase("POST")); connection.setDoInput(true); if (username.trim().length() > 0) { String authString = username + ":" + password; String auth = "Basic " + new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(authString.getBytes()); connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", auth); } byte dataBytes[] = post_data.getBytes(); connection.setRequestMethod(get("method")); if (get("method").equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) { connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", dataBytes.length + ""); //connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream(); os.write(dataBytes); os.flush(); } BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), "UTF8")); String decodedString; String allData = ""; while ((decodedString = in.readLine()) != null) { allData += decodedString + "\r\n"; } in.close(); msg(allData); return allData.trim(); } public boolean checkLogin(String username, String password) throws Exception { msg("CheckLogin...username:" + username); return true;//no error, login was ok. } public boolean loadTemplateUser(Properties user, Properties info) { boolean loadedUser = false; if (!settings.getProperty("usernameTemplate").equals("") && Common.V() < 6) { try { Properties server_item = (Properties) info.get("server_item"); String listen_ip_port = server_item.getProperty("ip") + "_" + server_item.getProperty("port"); String listen_ip_port2 = server_item.getProperty("linkedServer"); msg("Searching for template user in server item:" + listen_ip_port); msg("Raw server_item:" + server_item); Properties p = UserTools.ut.getUser(listen_ip_port, settings.getProperty("usernameTemplate"), false, false); if (p == null) p = UserTools.ut.getUser(listen_ip_port2, settings.getProperty("usernameTemplate"), false, false); if (p != null) { Enumeration keys = p.keys(); msg("Setting usernameTemplate's settings:" + p.size()); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = keys.nextElement().toString(); if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase("username") && !key.equalsIgnoreCase("user_name") && !key.equalsIgnoreCase("password")) try { user.put(key, p.get(key)); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (user.getProperty("max_logins", "0").equals("-1")) user.put("max_logins", "0"); loadedUser = true; } else msg("Template user not found."); msg("Load template user complete."); } catch (Exception e)//no default user found, use template instead. { msg(e); } } user.put("virtualUser", "true"); return loadedUser; } public String get(String key) { return settings.getProperty(key); } public void msg(String s) { if (settings.getProperty("debug").equals("true")) crushftp.handlers.Common.debug(0, "WebApplication:" + s); } public void msg(Exception e) { if (settings.getProperty("debug").equals("true")) crushftp.handlers.Common.debug(0, e); } }
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This particular version was published on 29-Dec-2020 05:25 by Ben Spink.
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