At line 1 changed one line |
CrushFTP support Microsoft Azure Shares as VFS item, it requires a Storage Account and File Services Shares (It does not cover other services like Tables, Blob files etc. yet ). |
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__'' General restrictions''__: Azure storage is not a file system, but an object storage. The folder is more like a prefix of the object name. That is why renaming folders is not supported. Folder moves are only possible through copy and deletion.\\ |
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!1. Azure File Share\\ |
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CrushFTP supports Microsoft Azure Shares as a VFS item, it requires a __Storage Account:__ []. About Azure file share: []\\ |
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The URL should look like (Replace the URL with your corresponding data!):\\ |
\\ |
{{{ |
azure://}}} |
\\ |
You can find those on the Azure portal, under __Storage Account__. From the left-side menu select __Access keys__ to reveal them.\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|AzurePortalAccessKey.png]\\ |
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Then paste them on the appropriate fields in CrushFTP.\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|AzureConfiguration3.png]\\ |
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When using “Browse…” in the Jobs interface, or plugin interfaces, the UI is slightly different:\\ |
\\ |
There is an input field for the file service share: Share Name \\ |
[attachments|azureRemoteItem3.png]\\ |
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!2. Azure Blob Container\\ |
\\ |
CrushFTP supports __Azure Blobs__([]) as VFS item, it requires a __Storage Account:__ []. \\ |
Azure Blob Storage is __not like a normal filesystem__ with folders and deeper levels you can go into. It's more like S3 where a file’s name contains slashes, which simulate a folder structure but with many limitations when it comes to renaming and truly simulating a normal file system. Folder rename is not supported.\\ |
\\ |
The URL should look like this (Replace the URL with your corresponding data!):\\ |
At line 3 changed one line |
The url should look like (Replace the "" with your corresponding data!): |
{{{ |
azure://}}} |
\\ |
[attachments|azure_blob3.png]\\ |
\\ |
__Data Lake storage Gen2__: More info on the official website: [].\\ |
Turn on the flag if the storage type is the data lake. It connects through __Azure Blob Storage REST API__ [].\\ |
(This is not Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API: [])\\ |
\\ |
When using “Browse…” in the Jobs interface, or plugin interfaces, the UI is slightly different:\\ |
\\ |
To specify the blob container use the input field: Share Name \\ |
[attachments|azure_blobRemoteItem.png]\\ |
\\ |
At line 5 changed one line |
azure://"Storage Account name | User name field":"Access Key | Password Field""File Service Share name"/ |
You need to select the blob type (append blob or block blobs - page blobs are not supported) specified when creating the blob on Azure. |
At line 7 changed 2 lines |
[attachments|AzureConfiguration.png] |
!3. SAS token\\ |
\\ |
Azure also can delegate access with a shared access signature (SAS) [].\\ |
In this case, the URL should look like: |
{{{ |
azure://}}}\\ |
Or |
{{{ |
azure://}}}\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|SAS.png]\\ |
\\ |
The __password field should be empty__ and put the SAS token to the "__Shared access signature token__" input field.\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|azure_VFS_SAS.png]\\ |
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!4. Authorize access to blobs using Microsoft Entra ID\\ |
\\ |
Azure Storage supports using Microsoft Entra ID to authorize requests to blob data. (see more info : [])\\ |
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You will start at the Microsoft Azure portal:\\ |
[]\\ |
\\ |
__Application registration: __Go to the App registrations and click on New registration:\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|SMTP Microsoft Graph XOAUTH 2 Integration/new_registration.png]\\ |
\\ |
Name it. Select the Microsoft account types. The redirect URL must end with "__register_microsoft_graph_api/__". Then click on register.\\ |
\\ |
{{{ |
http://localhost:9090/register_microsoft_graph_api/ |
}}} |
\\ |
[attachments|SMTP Microsoft Graph XOAUTH 2 Integration/register_app.png]\\ |
\\ |
Under the redirect URL configuration enable the __Access Token__ to be issued by the authorization endpoint:\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|SMTP Microsoft Graph XOAUTH 2 Integration/enable_access_token.png]\\ |
\\ |
Configure the API permissions:\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|azure_api_permission_blob.png]\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|azure_user_impersonation.png]\\ |
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On your __Storage Account__ at __Access Control (IAM)__ assign the role "__Storage Account Contributor__" and "__Storage Blob Data Contributor__" to the specified user.\\ |
\\ |
__Restriction:__ It only works with blob storage.\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|azure_access_control_roles.png]\\ |
\\ |
Access the user's VFS settings and configure the Refresh Token for the remote Azure connection. At __User Delegation Settings__ click the "__Get Refresh Token__" button.\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|azure_refresh_token_form.png]\\ |
\\ |
\\ |
__Client id : __ You can find it at Azure portal -> App Registration -> Overview:\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|SharePoint Integration/client_id.png]\\ |
\\ |
__Secret key:__ A new client secret also needs to be created. Go to the "__Certificate & secrets__" and generate a new secret key. Click on New client secret.\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|SharePoint Integration/new_secret.png]\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|SharePoint Integration/secret_value.png]\\ |
\\ |
Sign in as the specified Microsoft user grant access, and obtain the refresh token.\\ |
\\ |
[attachments|user_delegation_settings.png]\\ |
\\ |
__!!!__Provide the storage account name as the "User name" input field.\\ |
\\ |
To get a newly created SAS token for your storage, you need to run the following job example: [CrushTaskExample18]\\ |
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