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crushclient.png 214.2 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink

This page (revision-41) was last changed on 11-Mar-2024 00:37 by Ben Spink

This page was created on 05-Dec-2023 05:32 by Ben Spink

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At line 1 added 6 lines
!! End User UI Download\\
Windows: []\\
macOS: []\\
Linux: []\\
At line 8 added 6 lines
''The single command CrushClient info can be found here: [CrushClientSingleCommand]''\\
A leading "L" character instructs the client to apply the command to the local client versus to the remote client. "lls" would list your current local folder, "lcd" changes the local folder. Only the file transfer commands do not have an "L" version. (put, get, diffput, diffget) If a path being referenced has a space in it, the path must be quoted. Example: put "some file.txt" "/some folder/my file.txt". Backslash quote escaping is permitted as well. The "local" client doesn't need to be local at all though (this of it more as the "Left" side client instead of local client), both clients can be remote and files can be streamed through the CrushClient. Commands can be sent into the background with a "&" at the end of them. Example:
put file.txt remote.txt&
At line 3 removed 2 lines
A leading "L" character instructs the client to apply the command to the local client versus to the remote client. lls would sit your current local folder, lcd changes the local folder. Only the file transfer commands do not have an "L" version. (put, get, diffput, diffget) If a path being references has a space in it, the path must be quoted. Example: put "some file.txt" "/some folder/my file.txt". Backslash quote escaping is permitted as well. The "local" client doesn't need to be local at all though, both clients can be remote and files can be streamed through the CrushClient.
At line 6 changed one line
Different ways to start CrushClient. If started with a script, no input will be taken, all input will be read line by line from the script as if you were physically typing it. Don't forget the quit command at the end or the client will wait indefinitely for more input... A script is typically ended with two lines. wait, then quit.
There are different ways to start CrushClient. If started with a script, no input will be taken, all input will be read line by line from the script as if you were physically typing it. Don't forget the quit command at the end or the client will wait indefinitely for more input... A script is typically ended with two lines. wait, then quit.
At line 22 added 4 lines
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar inline_script "connect;put file.txt;wait;quit;"
CrushClient.exe inline_script "connect;put file.txt;wait;quit;" inline_script "connect;put file.txt;wait;quit;" inline_script "connect;put file.txt;wait;quit;"
At line 27 added 2 lines
''launching can be done directly with java or with the app wrappers.''\\
Example BAT file for Windows: []
At line 31 added 3 lines
At line 27 changed one line
reget will resume the download based on the target file's size.
reget will resume the download based on the target file's size.\\
There is no 'mget" command as the normal 'get' command supports one or many items, including pattern matching.
At line 51 added 2 lines
get /remote/file/path/*.TXT [local file path]
get /remote/file/path/ABC???_*.TXT [local file path]
At line 35 changed one line
appe will start appending the current file to the target file.
appe will start appending the current file to the target file.\\
move will copy, then delete the source.\\
There is no 'mput" command as the normal 'put' command supports one or many items, including pattern matching.
At line 64 added 3 lines
move /local/file/path [remote file path]
put /local/file/path/*.XML [remote file path]
put /local/file/path/*ABC*.TXT [remote file path]
At line 69 added 5 lines
Similar to the putdel command, but first calculates the differences between the directories and files and lists what actions it would do if you instead used putdel. It will list out the deletes and copy actions it would do to make the remote side match the local side. This command is available as of CrushClient 1.5.2 and above.
At line 74 changed one line
Waits for active transfers to complete with the local or remote client and prints occasional statistics about in-progress transfers.
Lists the segments that are different between the two files.
At line 76 changed 2 lines
diff local/path remote/path
At line 80 changed one line
Pauses CrushClient for the specific milliseconds to impose delays in command processing.
Changes the current working directory for the local or remote client.
At line 82 changed one line
delay {milli seconds}
At line 85 changed one line
Prints stats about current in progress transfers one time.
Prints the current working directory for the local or remote client.
At line 87 changed 2 lines
At line 91 changed one line
Aborts all in progress transfers.
Creates a new folder.
At line 93 changed one line
mkd /remote/path
lmkd /local/path
At line 131 added 25 lines
Renames an item, both must be specified in the command for source and destination.
rename /remote/path1 /remote/path2
mv /remote/path1 /remote/path2
lrename /local/path1 /local/path2
lmv /local/path1 /local/path2
Toggles the use of FTP passive mode.
The anything section is passed to the remote FTP server directly.
quote anything
lquote anything
Sets the modified date to the specified time.
mdtm /remote/path yyyyMMddHHmmss
lmdtm /local/path yyyyMMddHHmmss
At line 101 changed one line
Lists the segments that are different between the two files.
Sets a configuration parameter on the client. Undocumented for now, use the UI in CrushFTP to setup a config on a connection item and then view the raw XML for the config param it configured.
At line 103 changed one line
diff local/path remote/path
config param value
lconfig param value
At line 107 changed one line
Example: set download_threads 10
Example: set max_threads 10
At line 121 changed one line
Toggles the use of FTP passive mode.
Queues up commands in a list so they can later on be executed. Built a list of file transfers to do in a queue, then run it with the execute command. Useful for scripting load to the server.
At line 123 changed one line
queue {id} add command
queue {id} reset
queue {id} run
At line 126 changed one line
Changes the current working directory for the local or remote client.
Waits for active transfers to complete with the local or remote client and prints occasional statistics about in-progress transfers.
At line 128 changed 4 lines
At line 134 changed one line
Prints the current working directory for the local or remote client.
Pauses CrushClient for the specific milliseconds to impose delays in command processing.
At line 136 changed 2 lines
delay {milli seconds}
At line 140 changed one line
Creates a new folder.
Forces a one way copy/replace sync operation. Anything on the destination not found on the source is deleted. Use extreme care when using this command as a single typo would mean it erases the target you specified!
At line 142 changed 2 lines
mkd /remote/path
lmkd /local/path
putdel /local/file/path [remote file path]
At line 146 changed one line
Renames an item, both must be specified in the command for source and destination.
List the supported ciphers for HTTPS/FTPS/FTPES connections by making a test connection outbound to\\
Set the cipher to use for SSL/TLS connections.\\
List the last used cipher for the prior connection.\\
Trust all certificates, regardless if they are expired, revokes, matching, etc. Use only for debug/dev purposes, but not for real world usage!\\
At line 148 changed 4 lines
rename /remote/path1 /remote/path2
mv /remote/path1 /remote/path2
lrename /local/path1 /local/path2
lmv /local/path1 /local/path2
cipher list
cipher set {cipher}
cipher get
cipher trust
At line 154 changed one line
The anything section is passed to the remote server directly. Applies only to FTP connections.
Prints stats about current in progress transfers one time.
At line 156 changed 2 lines
quote anything
lquote anything
info [all/clear]
linfo [all/clear]
At line 160 changed one line
Sets the modified date to the specified time.
Aborts all in progress transfers.
At line 162 changed 2 lines
mdcm /remote/path yyyyMMddHHmmss
lmdtm /local/path yyyyMMddHHmmss
At line 166 changed one line
Sets a configuration parameter on the client. Undocumented for now, use the UI in CrushFTP to setup a config on a connection item and then view the raw XML for the config param it configured.
Causes inline script to show progress on transfers
At line 168 changed 2 lines
config param value
lconfig param value
At line 172 changed one line
Queues up commands in a list so they can later on be executed. Built a list of file transfers to do in a queue, then run it with the execute command. Useful for scripting load to the server.
Kill app after pre-determined time amount with an error code exit.
At line 174 changed 3 lines
queue {id} add command
queue {id} reset
queue {id} run
kill 30 secs
kill 30 s
kill 1 min
kill 1 m
kill 100 hours
kill 100 h
kill 2 days
kill 2 d
kill 0 s (aborts kill)
At line 245 added 71 lines
Timeout on individual file transfer items FTP, HTTP(s), SFTP in seconds.
timeout 30
Start a tunnel with a server so you can connect through it. After starting you can connect through the tunnels port. Typically its 55555.
tunnel (you will be prompted for credentials)
tunnel (credentials provided inline in the URL)
tunnel list (list running and stopped tunnels)
tunnel stop {id} (stop a tunnel id you got from the list command, ids start at 1 and count up for each tunnel you create. Once stopped, a tunnel id can't be started.)
tunnel log (prints out the recent tunnel log messages)
connect (now you can connect normally through the tunnel that was just started)
Take a thread stack trace for what all CrushClient is currently working on (debug purposes only)
Take a memory dump of the CrushClient (debug purposes only)
Performs a two way sync operation. Uses the modified date on items to decide which side has the latest copy and copies in both directions. It also uses its last known run time for the sync to decide which side has the correct items and deletes items it believes were deleted from one side from the other side too! If the logic fails here, it deletes items on both sides you didn't intend for. Extreme caution should be used when considering using this command. We don't have access to any time and dates except modified times, so the logic is flawed. If you copied an item with an older date modified than the last sync time to one side, it would then get deleted as it appears as if its old...and its missing from the other side, so its not supposed to be there. Do not use this command unless you fully understand everything mentioned or you will loose data...
putsync /local/file/path [remote file path]
Example script to do PGP encryption client side before uploading to a remote server (we have to turn off MD5 checking as the MD5 will no longer match if uploading to a CrushFTP server):
set md5_check false
config pgpEncryptUpload true
config pgpPublicKeyUploadPath /mypgpkeys/
lcd /var/documents/
cd /
put test_file.txt
Some additional PGP logic that could be done as well: [CrushClientPGP].
Jobs can be executed either on the remote CrushFTP server or locally if you have the "jobs" folder and specify a job name.\\
job sftp_test_copy
job remote sftp_test_copy
job status sftp_test_copy
java -jar WebInterface/CrushTunnel.jar inline_script "job sftp_test_copy;quit;"
CrushTunnel.jar can be used to install background services that run at machine boot for Windows/macOS.\\
service sync
service client
service tunnel
service drive
service remove sync
service remove client
service remove tunnel
service remove drive
service sync_-CustomName
service remove sync_-CustomName
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
41 11-Mar-2024 00:37 12.0 kB Ben Spink to previous
« This page (revision-41) was last changed on 11-Mar-2024 00:37 by Ben Spink
G’day (anonymous guest)
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