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CrushSync is an enterprise only feature. It provides real time file synchronizations through CrushFTP. The client runs on the local machine monitoring the specified folders. When a change is detected, the change is propagated to the CrushFTP server, and any other clients subscribed to that folder now get those same changes. Only the changed parts of large files are sent, and bandwidth acceleration can be used as well. Client configurations can be branded, localized, and pre-configured for deployment. The client is launched as an automatically updating application over a web connection. You as the server administrator control when you want to update the application for end users. |
CrushSync is an enterprise only feature. It provides real time file synchronizations through CrushFTP. The client runs on the local machine monitoring the specified folders. When a change is detected, the change is propagated to the CrushFTP server, and any other clients subscribed to that folder now get those same changes. Only the changed parts of large files are sent, and bandwidth acceleration can be used as well. |
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Before users will be able to download and run CrushSync, you need to go into the user manager, WebInterface section, Buttons section and add the two new buttons for 'Download CrushSync App', and 'Sync Manager'. |
The app itself is located here: \\ |
Windows: []\\ |
macOS: []\\ |
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[attachments|sync_webinterface.png]\\ |
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Then you can click the button to download the sync client if it has been added onto your user in the User Manager. (Prior step.)\\ |
You will be asked for two passwords. The first is your current account password for the WebInterface. The second is the password for managing the sync agent. Use something secure, this password will be needed every time you open the 'Sync Manager' to control your sync agent(s). |
[attachments|crushsync.png]\\ |
On windows, you will have an icon in your system tray for the sync agent and on OS X you will have an icon in your menubar. There is no management UI on the machine, you do all of that through the WebInterface in the 'Sync Manager'.\\ |
[attachments|crushsync_menu.png] |
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[attachments|sync_webinterface.png] |
On windows, you will have an icon in your system tray for the sync agent and on OS X you will have an icon in your menubar. There is no management UI on the machine, you do all of that through the WebInterface in the 'Sync Manager'. |
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[attachments|crushsync.png]\\ |
[attachments|crushsync_web.png]\\ |
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!!!Customizing the Sync |
!!!Special, macOS only daemon install requirement |
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You can give the client a custom name, so it doesn't have to be called CrushSync |
When you add the download Sync client button in the UserManager, UserName, WebInterface, Buttons section, you can specify a name for it, and the given name will be used instead of the CrushSync name. |
Customizations are made in the User Manager, WebInterface, custom javascript section. Add these example lines in there. |
CrushSync |
localizations.syncAppName = 'MySyncName'; |
It can't run as a service, but it can run at startup when you login to the user account. There is a menu option in the systray to help with that part. |
That is it. All references in what it downloads, the service name, the window titles, etc will be MySyncName. |
The manageSyncs interface is generic that it just labels itself as Manage Syncs and not CrushSync. So no changes are needed there. When you add the buttons, you can label the buttons however you like. But don't change their action values. |
---- |
You can install CrushSync as a service to have an unattended machine running the sync. You should have a "Java" folder in your folder with CrushSync.jar. You also need a ready and working preferences config for it too. You should run it in GUI mode first to make sure everything works before doing service mode...that way you have the prefs.XML file it needs too. |
Then install the service with (CrushFTP v9.3 and above, CrushSync 3.12.05 and above): |
macOS can no longer load our 'magical' native library that we use for listening into filesystem events. We have an alternative method, but it requires a one time daemon install command.\\ |
\\ |
First, find your CrushSync folder, and decide where its going to stay...forever, no changes to it, no renaming the folder, etc.\\ |
At line 76 changed one line |
java -jar CrushSync.jar -i |
cd /Applications/CrushSync_macOS/ |
sudo Java/bin/java -cp CrushTunnel.jar com.crushftp.client.CrushSyncFSWatchServer -i |
At line 79 changed 7 lines |
Or remove with: |
{{{ |
java -jar CrushSync.jar -r |
}}} |
This assumes a CrushSync folder already exist from running the CrushSync.jnlp file one time. |
Enter your admin password and your done. If you laterened to remove that daemon, change the "-i" to a "-r". |
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!!!Running on Linux |
!!! Special, Windows service mode install |
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Running via the command line is possible too.\\ |
\\ |
You need the prefs.xml file from a Windows/OSX machine first that you have launched CrushSync at least one time on.\\ |
\\ |
Copy this to the OS home folder for the user, then a subdirectory called 'CrushSync'. |
Make sure the "Start with login" option is not set in the tray icon context menu, if it is, remove it. Close CrushSync if it is running. Then open an elevated CMD or PowerShell session, change directory into the installation folder, usually C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\CrushSync\Resources , issue below command |
At line 95 changed one line |
~/CrushSync/prefs.XML |
.\Java\bin\java.exe -jar CrushTunnel.jar inline_script "service sync;quit" |
At line 97 changed 6 lines |
\\ |
This is VERY must modify this prefs.XML file changing the "clientid" in it to something unique. Every agent must have a unique client ID.\\ |
\\ |
Then copy over CrushSync.jar file too from a crush install to this same location. You will find it in your WebInterface folder, CrushSync folder.\\ |
\\ |
Now launch the daemon with:\\ |
Check the state of service in the Services console , or from command line |
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java -jar ~/CrushSync/CrushSync.jar -d |
sc query "CrushSync Server" |
At line 106 changed one line |
It will read in its prefs and connect to the server. Now you configure everything from the sync manager.\\ |
''Alternatively you can do a simpler install using the CrushTunnel.jar file from your WebInterface folder instead of using that buried deep folder as referenced above. Just be sure to copy your existing prefs.XML into it as you cannot access a systray to configure the service version. |