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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
misc1.png 19.5 kB 2 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc2.png 28.8 kB 3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc3.png 18.4 kB 3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc4.png 23.5 kB 3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc5.jpg 243.7 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ada Csaba
miscv10.5.2.3.jpg 336.1 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ada Csaba
miscv10.jpg 193.2 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ada Csaba

This page (revision-65) was last changed on 21-Mar-2024 08:25 by krivacsz

This page was created on 05-Dec-2023 05:32 by Ben Spink

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At line 20 added 36 lines
Allow local passive IP is an FTP related config only and allows the local server host IP to be used by the passive IP detection logic.
Allow MLST is an FTP related config only that enables the use of setting modified date by MLST raw command.
Allow 0 byte SSH file is an SFTP related config only that allows the clients to connect. Needed by some SFTP clients and when using SSHFS mount.
Case sensitive list search enables the search in client UI to be case sensitive.
Create home folder enables the creation of the users's home folder on disk if it doesn't exits.
Fix Slashes will sanitize the Windows path syntax based URLs and convert them to Unix format.
Instant chmod is used in conjunction with User Manager POSIX settings to set ownership of files.
List zip app will show .app folders from OSX as a .zip file allowing easier downloading of them.
MDTM GMT will set files modified date based on GMT, in opposite to local server time.
POSIX config is UNIX-like only, changes ownership of server config files (by default the process logon account takes ownership)
RFC Proxy tries to pass through proxied FTP responses directly instead of interpretation.
Recurse SFTP Delete config enables checking folders if they are empty and starts deleting the files and then the empty folder, by default no recursive delete is possible.
Show Date-Time will enable the display of the date time display in client UI.
Site acknowledgement issues SITE ACK in certain proxy scenarios.
Sort Listings will enable the sorting of the folders in alphabetical order, but can enabling it might cause a slower UI.
Track Last Logins enables the tracking of user login times and saves that to the user.XML, can also cause UI slowness due to the multiple read and write back and forth to the same file.
DMZ only listens for connections from master ServerBeat server config in a clustered multi node configuration, forces the DMZ node to listen to connections from Master node only. Needs to be set only on DMZ instance.
Pre-check PGP decrypt on the fly downloads checks if a file stream appears to be PGP encrypted to decide whether to try on the fly decryption or not.
At line 24 changed one line
The default owner and group of settings files allows CrushFTP to change the owner and group of all settings files as it is writing them. So if you don't want the settings files all owned by root for some reason, you change these settings here.
The default owner and group of settings files allows CrushFTP to change the owner and group of all settings files as it is writing them. So if you don't want the settings files all owned by root for some reason, you change these settings here. Works on Unix-like OS's.
At line 26 changed one line
CrushFTP is keeping backups every time you make a change and save a user in the User Manager. If for some reason you don't want so many kept, you can control the setting here.
HTTP Redirect Base if checked allows the redirects for SAML.
At line 64 added 2 lines
CrushFTP is keeping backups every time you make a change and save a user in the User Manager. If for some reason you don't want so many kept, you can control the setting here. The Zip64 config allows the usage of the Zip64 for large files, and the Zip64 Always will force the use of Zip64 in every scenario.
At line 86 added 2 lines
Maximum jobs to scan for job monitor configures the maximum number of jobs to look through and return to the WebUI job monitor tab.
At line 52 changed one line
The server welcome message is how CrushFTP identifies itself to clients when they connect.
Force Lowercase Usernames config will store the usernames always in lower case.
At line 56 changed 2 lines
You can force usernames into lowercase for special case file system scenarios.
File transfer mod config is FTP related only that forces the ASCII or BINARY on all transfers.
At line 98 added 18 lines
Max Threads config will limit the server global thread pool size.
Unsafe filename characters will disallow certain characters to be used in file names on upload.
Replace unsafe filename characters with config will replace certain characters with underscore on upload.
Restart Command allows overriding the default service restart OS native command.
Trusted IP Parts config is a CrushTunnel or other proxied scenarios where the user's source IP may not match exactly every time...such as different proxy servers getting used and the source Ip changes.
The server start message is how CrushFTP identifies itself to clients when they connect.
Max items before CrushFTP tries to trigger an alert and logs errors about giant directories which may cause memory issues. Operating on huge directory structures is memory intensive, can set a threshold to warn the user
Replicated toggle S3 replication in a clustered server configuration. Same as on the replication config page.
Disable uploads in progress and resume toggles resume capability when operating on an S3 bucket
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
65 21-Mar-2024 08:25 8.386 kB krivacsz to previous
64 21-Mar-2024 08:21 8.159 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
63 21-Mar-2024 08:21 8.161 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
62 21-Mar-2024 08:20 8.127 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
61 21-Mar-2024 08:17 8.042 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
« This page (revision-65) was last changed on 21-Mar-2024 08:25 by krivacsz
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