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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
misc1.png 19.5 kB 2 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc2.png 28.8 kB 3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc3.png 18.4 kB 3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc4.png 23.5 kB 3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc5.jpg 243.7 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ada Csaba
miscv10.5.2.3.jpg 336.1 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ada Csaba
miscv10.jpg 193.2 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ada Csaba

This page (revision-65) was last changed on 21-Mar-2024 08:25 by krivacsz

This page was created on 05-Dec-2023 05:32 by Ben Spink

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Only authorized users are allowed to delete pages.

Difference between version and

At line 56 changed one line
The default privs option lets you specify the default privs to be applied to new folders as you add them to users in the user manager. It can save you a couple clicks to enter the data here. If your unsure of what to put, open a users VFS.XML file to see an example of the permissions. (read)(write)(view)(delete)(resume)(rename)(makedir)(deletedir)
The default privs option lets you specify the default privs to be applied to new folders as you add them to users in the User Manager. It can save you a couple clicks to enter the data here. If your unsure of what to put, open a users VFS.XML file to see an example of the permissions. (read)(write)(view)(delete)(resume)(rename)(makedir)(deletedir)
At line 88 changed one line
Remember invalid usernames will make crush block a robot testing for passwords. Some robots will scan your server very heavily using a lot of CPU while crush tries to verify on your LDAP server, or whatever if the user is valid. This option will block the username attempted for so many seconds after one failed login attempt before it bothers to even try again. If the username is valid in the CrushFTP [user manager] it will ignore this setting and allow them to keep trying new passwords.
Remember invalid usernames will make crush block a robot testing for passwords. Some robots will scan your server very heavily using a lot of CPU while crush tries to verify on your LDAP server, or whatever if the user is valid. This option will block the username attempted for so many seconds after one failed login attempt before it bothers to even try again. If the username is valid in the CrushFTP User Manager it will ignore this setting and allow them to keep trying new passwords.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
65 21-Mar-2024 08:25 8.386 kB krivacsz to previous
64 21-Mar-2024 08:21 8.159 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
63 21-Mar-2024 08:21 8.161 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
62 21-Mar-2024 08:20 8.127 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
61 21-Mar-2024 08:17 8.042 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
« This page (revision-65) was last changed on 21-Mar-2024 08:25 by krivacsz
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