At line 1 changed one line |
The WebInterface can be customized using the Customizations list. You can change colors, hide columns, and affect many different aspects all over the WebInterface. |
The login page can be localized using the Preferences, Webinterface, Custom javascript. |
At line 3 removed 5 lines |
There is also a custom javascript section where you can add your own custom javascript to be executed. You would use this to change the localizations to another language, or to adjust other aspects of the WebInterface. Here is an example allowing you to edit the PoweredBy and Copyright text. |
%%prettify |
At line 9 changed 6 lines |
var localizations = $(document).data("localizations"); |
localizations.CopyrightText = "© 2010 <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">CrushFTP</a>"; |
localizations.PoweredByText = "Powered by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">CrushFTP</a>"; |
setTimeout("applyLocalizations();",100); |
<script> |
window.showLanguageSelection = true; //true/false |
window.showLanguageSelectionPos = "left"; //left/right |
window.saveLanguageSelectionInCookie = true; //true/false |
window.defaultWILanguage = "en"; //any one from : en,cs,da,nl,fr,de,hu,it,pl,es |
window.detectBrowserLanguage = true; //true/false |
</script> |
At line 16 removed one line |
/% |
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---- |
Here is a full list of items that could be modified. You just have to add them into the above example accordingly. The syntax is important as making changes here will affect the WebInterface. |
Text strings for the login page can be changed in the Webinterface/localization/ folder files. |
At line 21 removed one line |
%%prettify |
At line 23 changed 10 lines |
//WebInterface |
localizations.FilterText = "Filter:"; |
localizations.ClearFilterLinkText = "Clear"; |
localizations.FileCounterItemsText = "Items"; |
localizations.FileCounterFoldersText = "Folders"; |
localizations.FileCounterFilesText = "Files"; |
localizations.FileCounterHiddenItemsText = "Hidden Items"; |
localizations.ThumbnailViewLinkText = "Thumbnail View"; |
localizations.TreeViewLinkText = "Tree View"; |
localizations.BackToTopLinkText = "Back to top"; |
/*Login page specific*/ |
localizations.BadLoginInfoText = "Your username, or password may be incorrect, or the account may have expired."; |
localizations.ServerErrorInfoText = "The server is unavailable or your IP has been banned."; |
localizations.PasswordsDoNotMatchAlertText = "New passwords don't match."; |
localizations.LoginAgainTitleText = "Please login again"; |
localizations.LoginWithNewPassText = "Login with new password"; |
localizations.AuthenticatingMsgText = "Authenticating..."; |
localizations.LoginSuccessText = "Success"; |
localizations.LoadingWebInterfaceText = "Loading WebInterface..."; |
localizations.LoginWarningText = "Warning"; |
localizations.MultipleBadLoginsAlertDescText = "Too many failed attempts and your IP will be banned.\r\n\r\n{msg}<br><br><div style='font-size:13px;font-weight:normal;'>Click <a style='color:white;' href='/WebInterface/jQuery/reset.html'>here</a> to reset password.</div>"; |
localizations.LoginFailedText = "Login Failed"; |
localizations.ChangePasswordGrowlTitleText = "Change Password"; |
localizations.UserNameText = "Username"; |
localizations.PasswordText = "Password"; |
localizations.LoginButtonText = "Login"; |
localizations.ForgotPasswordLinkText = "I forgot my password, email it to me."; |
localizations.ChangePasswordHeaderText = "Change your password"; |
localizations.ChangePasswordNoteText = "You must change your password to continue"; |
localizations.CurrentPasswordText = "Current Password : "; |
localizations.NewPasswordText = "New Password : "; |
localizations.ConfirmPasswordText = "Confirm Password : "; |
localizations.CancelButtonText = "Cancel"; |
localizations.ChanngePasswordButtonText = "Change Password"; |
localizations.GeneratePasswordButtonText = "Generate password"; |
localizations.GeneratePasswordUseButtonText = "Use this"; |
localizations.GeneratePasswordCancelButtonText = "Cancel"; |
localizations.OldBrowserNoticeHTMLAsText = 'Your browser is out of date, it was released almost a decade ago! As a result it is very slow, full of bugs, and this WebInterface may or may not even work with IE6.<br><br><div style="text-align:right;"><button id="proceedAnyway">Proceed Anyway Cautiously</button> or get a better browser:<a href="">Chrome</a> | <a href="">FireFox</a></div>'; |
}}} |
At line 34 changed one line |
localizations.NothingSelectedGrowlText = "Nothing selected"; |
The logo on the login page will point to our website,, as long as you have not applied a different logo. If you change the logo in Preferences, WebInterface, Options...something like mycompany.png, then the link will be removed. jus tplace that iamge file inside the WebInterface folder of CrushFTP, in its images folder.\\ |
\\ |
The WebInterface after login can be customized using the Customizations list. You can change colors, hide columns, and affect many different aspects all over the WebInterface. |
At line 36 changed one line |
localizations.ShareNothingSelectedGrowlText = "Nothing selected to share"; |
There is also a custom javascript section where you can add your own custom javascript to be executed. You would use this to change the localizations to another language, or to adjust other aspects of the WebInterface. Here is an example allowing you to edit the PoweredBy and Copyright text. |
At line 38 changed one line |
localizations.RenameNothingSelectedGrowlText = "Nothing selected to rename"; |
This section is in the user manager, use the quick jump to get to the WebInterface area, or click Show All to see hidden inherited items. Buttons can either be changed here in this file, or directly in the user manager, buttons section. |
At line 40 changed 2 lines |
localizations.ProblemWhileRenamingGrowlText = "Problem while renaming"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileRenamingDescGrowlText = "There was a problem while renaming. Please retry. Error : "; |
---- |
At line 43 changed 215 lines |
localizations.ProblemWhileSharingGrowlText = "Problem while sharing"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileSharingDescGrowlText = "There was a problem while sharing a file. Please retry"; |
localizations.DirectLinkDescGrowlText = "Right click on item and click on copy direct link"; |
localizations.UpdateKeywordDescGrowlText = "Right click on item and click on update keywords"; |
localizations.QuickViewNothingToShowGrowlText = "Error : Nothing to show in quick view"; |
localizations.QuickViewNoItemsAvailableGrowlText = "No items available"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileDeletingGrowlText = "Problem while deleting"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileDeletingDescGrowlText = "There was a problem while deleting. Please retry. Error : "; |
localizations.ProblemWhileCreatingFolderGrowlText = "Problem while creating new folder"; |
localizations.ProblemWhileCreatingFolderDescGrowlText = "There was a problem while creating new folder. Please retry. Error : "; |
localizations.JavaRequiredGrowlText = "Java Required"; |
localizations.JavaRequiredDescGrowlText = "Java must be installed for the advanced functions to work.<br/><br/>Please go to: <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\" class=\"whiteError\"></a>"; |
localizations.JavaAppletNotLoadedGrowlText = "Java Applet Not Loaded"; |
localizations.JavaAppletNotLoadedDescGrowlText = "You must first click the 'Advanced Browse...' button before drag and drop will be enabled."; |
//Sharing Window |
localizations.ShareWindowHeaderText = "Share"; |
localizations.ShareWindowFilesSharingLabelText = "Sharing :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowShareTypeLabelText = "Share type :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowSendEmailLabelText = "Send Email :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowExpiresLabelText = "Expires :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowFromLabelText = "From : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowToLabelText = "To : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowCCLabelText = "CC : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowBCCLabelText = "BCC : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowSubjectLabelText = "Subject : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowBodyLabelText = "Body : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowAdvancedLabelText = "Advanced"; |
localizations.ShareWindowAttachThumbsLabelText = "Attach Thumbnail"; |
localizations.ShareWindowAccessLabelText = "Full Access (read, write, delete) "; |
localizations.ShareWindowSendButtonText = "Send"; |
localizations.ShareWindowCancelButtonText = "Cancel"; |
localizations.ShareActionCompleteUsernameText = "Username: "; |
localizations.ShareActionCompletePasswordText = "Password: "; |
localizations.ShareActionCompleteLinkText = "Link"; |
localizations.ShareActionCompleteOkButtonText = "Ok"; |
//Copy direct link window |
localizations.CopyLinkWindowHeaderText = "Copy direct link."; |
//Create folder window |
localizations.CreateFolderWindowHeaderText = "Create new folder."; |
localizations.CreateFolderInputDefaultFolderName = "New Folder"; |
localizations.CreateFolderWindowNavigateToFolderCheckboxText = "Navigate to the folder after creation "; |
localizations.CreateFolderButtonText = "Create"; |
//Browser uploader window |
localizations.BrowserUploaderWindowHeaderText = "Upload file"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderUploadDetailsTabHeaderText = "Upload Details"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderUploadFilesTabHeaderText = "Upload Files"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedBrowseButtonText = "Advanced Browse.."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderStartUploadingLinkText = "Start Uploading"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderClearCompletedLinkText = "Clear Completed"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderResumeCheckboxText = "Resume"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFormResetButtonText = "Reset"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFormNextButtonText = "Next"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFileAddedAlreadyText = "This file has already been added."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "{0} has already been added."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderMultiFileAddedAlreadyText = "These files are already added."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderMultiFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "{0} are already added."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilesGroupText = "File Group : "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileRemoveLinkText = "Remove"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileWillBeUploadedText = "Will be uploaded to"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileOverwriteText = "Overwrite"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileWillBeOverwrittenText = "will be overwritten"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileExistsText = "File exist"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileAttentionRequiredText = "Attention Required"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileIgnoreLinkText = "Ignore"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileDoneText = "Done"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileUploadedText = "Uploaded to"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileReUploadLinkText = "re-upload"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileDismissLinkText = "Dismiss"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileCancelLinkText = "Cancel"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilePauseLinkText = "Pause"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilePausedStatusText = "Paused"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileResumeLinkText = "Resume"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesText = "Total {0} File(s)"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesStatusText = "{0} of {1} item(s) "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesToText = "Uploading to : "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingSpeedText = "Speed : "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingTimeText = "<div class='time'> Time: Elapsed: <span class='elapsed'>{0}</span> <span class='remained'>, Remaining : {1}</span></div>"; |
//Search window |
localizations.SearchWindowHeaderText = "Search"; |
localizations.SearchWindowKeywordsLabelText = "Keywords :"; |
localizations.SearchWindowExactLabelText = "Exact?"; |
localizations.SearchWindowByClassModifiedLabelText = "Modified"; |
localizations.SearchWindowByClassDateFormatLabelText = "(mm/dd/yyyy) "; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeLabelText = "Size is "; |
localizations.SearchWindowTypeLabelText = "Type is a"; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeLabelText = "Size is "; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeUnitLabelText = "(Kilobytes)"; |
localizations.SearchWindowSearchButtonText = "Start Search"; |
localizations.SearchWindowCancelButtonText = "Cancel"; |
localizations.SearchResultDisplayText = "Search Result:"; |
localizations.SearchResultClearLinkText = "(Clear Search Filter)"; |
localizations.SearchFormModifiedOptionAfterText = "After"; |
localizations.SearchFormModifiedOptionBeforeText = "Before"; |
localizations.SearchFormSizeOptionBiggerThanText = "Bigger Than"; |
localizations.SearchFormSizeOptionSmallerThanText = "Smaller Than"; |
localizations.SearchFormItemTypeOptionFileText = "File"; |
localizations.SearchFormItemTypeOptionFolderText = "Folder"; |
//User options window |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHeaderText = "Preferences"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideItemsStartWithDotLabelText = "Hide '.' Items "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideCheckboxLabelText = "Hide Checkbox Column "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideFilterLabelText = "Hide Filter Section "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowAutostartUploadLabelText = "When choosing file to upload, auto start upload. "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowLoadJavaAppletLabelText = "When loading the interface, load the Java applet."; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowDisableCompressionLabelText = "Disable compression on the Java applet. "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordHeaderText = "Change your password "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordCurPassLabelText = "Current Password: "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordNewPassLabelText = "New Password: "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordConfirmPassLabelText = "Confirm Password:"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordButtonText = "Change Password"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomButtonText = "Generate random password"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomUseItLinkText = "Use this"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomCancelLinkText = "Cancel"; |
//Main checkbox context menu options |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuToggleText = "Toggle"; |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllText = "Check All"; |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuUncheckAllText = "Un-check All"; |
//Keywords window |
localizations.KeywordsWindowHeaderText = "Keywords"; |
localizations.KeywordsWindowUpdateLinkText = "Update"; |
localizations.KeywordsWindowCancelLinkText = "Cancel"; |
//File basket |
localizations.BasketHeaderText = "Files in the Basket"; |
localizations.BasketClearAllLinkText = "Clear all"; |
localizations.BasketDownloadLinkText = "Download Basket"; |
localizations.BasketDownloadAdvancedLinkText = "Download Basket Advanced"; |
localizations.BasketNoFilesAvailableText = "No Files Available"; |
localizations.BasketRemoveLinkText = "Remove"; |
localizations.BasketTotalItemText = "Total {0} item(s)"; |
localizations.BasketFileAddedAlreadyText = "File added already to the basket"; |
localizations.BasketFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "Selected file is already available in the basket"; |
localizations.BasketNothingSelectedToAddText = "Nothing selected to add to basket"; |
localizations.BasketNothingSelectedToAddDetailsText = " "; |
//Paste form panel |
localizations.PasteFormHeaderText = "Paste"; |
localizations.PasteFormResetButtonText = "Reset"; |
localizations.PasteFormPasteButtonText = "Paste"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorHeaderText = "Problem while pasting"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorDetailsText = "There was a problem while pasting items.<br />Error : {0}"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorNothingToPasteText = "There is nothing to paste"; |
//Welcome form panel |
localizations.WelcomeFormHeaderText = "Welcome"; |
localizations.WelcomeFormOkButtonText = "OK"; |
//Slideshow popup |
localizations.SlideshowPopupHeaderText = "Slideshow"; |
//Manage Share window |
localizations.ManageShareWindowHeaderText = "Manage Shares"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowRefreshLinkText = "Refresh"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowDeleteSelectedLinkText = "Delete Selected Items"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridToLabelText = "To"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridCCLabelText = "CC"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridCreatedLabelText = "Created"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridExpiresLabelText = "Expires"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridSharedItemsLabelText = "Shared Items"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridDownloadsLabelText = "Downloads"; |
//Rename widndow and panel |
localizations.RenameWindowHeaderText = "Rename"; |
localizations.RenamePanelSaveLinkText = "Save"; |
localizations.RenamePanelCancelLinkText = "Cancel"; |
//Tooltip info |
localizations.TooltipNameLabelText = "Name"; |
localizations.TooltipSizeLabelText = "Size"; |
localizations.TooltipModifiedLabelText = "Modified"; |
localizations.TooltipKeywordsLabelText = "Keywords"; |
//Form alerts and notifications |
localizations.FormValidationFailText = "One or more required items are not entered or not entered properly. Enter proper value for the items with * in below form"; |
localizations.DeleteConfirmationMessageText = "Total {0} folder(s) and {1} file(s) will be deleted.\n\nItems: {2} Once deleted it can not revert back"; |
localizations.CopyActionGrowlText = "Total {0} folder(s) and {1} file(s) copied."; |
localizations.CutActionGrowlText = "Total {0} folder(s) and {1} file(s) cut."; |
//Treeview header items |
localizations.TreeviewHeaderNameText = "Name"; |
localizations.TreeviewHeaderSizeText = "Size"; |
localizations.TreeviewHeaderModifiedText = "Modified"; |
localizations.TreeviewHeaderKeywordsText = "Keywords"; |
//Selection menu items |
localizations.SelectItemOptionLinkText = "Select" |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuToggleText = "Toggle"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllText = "All items"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuUncheckAllText = "None"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllFilesText = "All files"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllFoldersText = "All folders"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckItemsWithDotText = "Items starting with \".\""; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckTodayText = "Modified today"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckWeekText = "Modified this week"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckMonthText = "Modified this month"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheck2MonthsText = "Modified in last 60 days"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheck3MonthsText = "Modified in last 90 days"; |
// Page size selection menu item. |
localizations.PageSizeSelectionLinkText = "Show {0} items on page" |
//Webinterface labels |
%%prettify |
{{{ |
At line 260 removed 2 lines |
}}} |
/% |
At line 263 removed 172 lines |
---- |
Here is a German translation of the interface. |
---- |
{{{ |
var localizations = $(document).data("localizations"); |
localizations.FilterText = "Filter:"; |
localizations.ClearFilterLinkText = "Filter löschen"; |
localizations.FileCounterItemsText = "Objekte"; |
localizations.FileCounterFoldersText = "Ordner"; |
localizations.FileCounterFilesText = "Dateien"; |
localizations.FileCounterHiddenItemsText = "Verborgene Objekte"; |
localizations.ThumbnailViewLinkText = "Voransicht"; |
localizations.TreeViewLinkText = "Listenansicht"; |
localizations.BackToTopLinkText = "Nach oben"; |
localizations.ShareWindowHeaderText = "Freigeben"; |
localizations.ShareWindowFilesSharingLabelText = "Freigabe :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowShareTypeLabelText = "Freigabetyp :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowSendEmailLabelText = "E-Mail senden :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowExpiresLabelText = "Gültig bis :"; |
localizations.ShareWindowFromLabelText = "Absender : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowToLabelText = "Empfänger : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowCCLabelText = "CC : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowBCCLabelText = "BCC : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowSubjectLabelText = "Betreff : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowBodyLabelText = "Nachricht : "; |
localizations.ShareWindowAdvancedLabelText = "Fortgeschritten"; |
localizations.ShareWindowAttachThumbsLabelText = "Voransicht anhängen"; |
localizations.ShareWindowAccessLabelText = "Voller Zurgriff (lesen, schreiben, löschen) "; |
localizations.ShareWindowSendButtonText = "Senden"; |
localizations.ShareWindowCancelButtonText = "Abbrechen"; |
localizations.ShareActionCompleteUsernameText = "Benutzername: "; |
localizations.ShareActionCompletePasswordText = "Passwort: "; |
localizations.ShareActionCompleteLinkText = "Link"; |
localizations.ShareActionCompleteOkButtonText = "Ok"; |
localizations.CopyLinkWindowHeaderText = "Direktlink kopieren."; |
localizations.CreateFolderWindowHeaderText = "Neuen Ordner anlegen."; |
localizations.CreateFolderInputDefaultFolderName = "Neuer Ordner"; |
localizations.CreateFolderWindowNavigateToFolderCheckboxText = "Nach dem anlegen zum neuen Ordner gehen "; |
localizations.CreateFolderButtonText = "Anlegen"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderWindowHeaderText = "Datei-Upload"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderUploadDetailsTabHeaderText = "Upload-Details"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderUploadFilesTabHeaderText = "Datei-Upload"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedBrowseButtonText = "Erweiterte Dateiauswahl.."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderStartUploadingLinkText = "Start Upload"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderClearCompletedLinkText = "Übertragene aus Liste löschen"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderResumeCheckboxText = "Fortsetzen"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFormResetButtonText = "Zurücksetzen"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFormNextButtonText = "Nächster"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFileAddedAlreadyText = "Diese Datei ist bereits hinzugefügt."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "{0} wurden bereits hinzugefügt."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderMultiFileAddedAlreadyText = "Diese Dateien wurden bereits hinzugefügt."; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderMultiFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "{0} wurden bereits hinzugefügt"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilesGroupText = "Dateigruppe : "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileRemoveLinkText = "Entfernen"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileWillBeUploadedText = "Wird hochgeladen zu"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileOverwriteText = "Überschreiben"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileWillBeOverwrittenText = "wird überschrieben"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileExistsText = "Datei vorhanden"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileAttentionRequiredText = "Achtung"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileIgnoreLinkText = "Ignorieren"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileDoneText = "Fertig"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileUploadedText = "Hochgeladen zu"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileReUploadLinkText = "re-upload"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileDismissLinkText = "Abweisen"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileCancelLinkText = "Abbrechen"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilePauseLinkText = "Pause"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFilePausedStatusText = "Pausiert"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderSelectedFileResumeLinkText = "Fortsetzen"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesText = "Gesamt {0} Datei(en)"; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesStatusText = "{0} von {1} Objekt(en) "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingFilesToText = "Hochladen zu : "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingSpeedText = "Geschwindigkeit : "; |
localizations.BrowserUploaderAdvancedUploadingTimeText = "<div class='time'> Zeit: Verstrichen: <span class='elapsed'>{0}</span> <span class='remained'>, Verbleibend : {1}</span></div>"; |
localizations.SearchWindowHeaderText = "Suchen"; |
localizations.SearchWindowKeywordsLabelText = "Schlüsselwörter :"; |
localizations.SearchWindowExactLabelText = "Exakt?"; |
localizations.SearchWindowByClassModifiedLabelText = "Geändert"; |
localizations.SearchWindowByClassDateFormatLabelText = "(mm/dd/yyyy) "; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeLabelText = "Grösse "; |
localizations.SearchWindowTypeLabelText = "Typ a"; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeLabelText = "Grösse "; |
localizations.SearchWindowSizeUnitLabelText = "(Kilobytes)"; |
localizations.SearchWindowSearchButtonText = "Suche starten"; |
localizations.SearchWindowCancelButtonText = "Abbrechen"; |
localizations.SearchResultDisplayText = "Suchergebnis:"; |
localizations.SearchResultClearLinkText = "(Suchfilter löschen)"; |
localizations.SearchFormModifiedOptionAfterText = "Nach"; |
localizations.SearchFormModifiedOptionBeforeText = "Vor"; |
localizations.SearchFormSizeOptionBiggerThanText = "Grösser als"; |
localizations.SearchFormSizeOptionSmallerThanText = "Kleiner als"; |
localizations.SearchFormItemTypeOptionFileText = "Datei"; |
localizations.SearchFormItemTypeOptionFolderText = "Ordner"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHeaderText = "Voreinstellungen"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideItemsStartWithDotLabelText = "Objekte mit '.' ausblenden "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideCheckboxLabelText = "Kontrollkästen ausblenden "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowHideFilterLabelText = "Filter ausblenden "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowAutostartUploadLabelText = "Nach Uploadauswahl automatisch mit dem Upload beginnen. "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowLoadJavaAppletLabelText = "Java bei Programmstart laden."; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowDisableCompressionLabelText = "Datei-Kompression verhindern im Java applet. "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordHeaderText = "Passwort ändern "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordCurPassLabelText = "Derzeitiges Passwort: "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordNewPassLabelText = "Neues Passwort: "; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordConfirmPassLabelText = "Passwort bestätigen:"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordButtonText = "Passwort ändern"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomButtonText = "Zufälliges Passwort generieren"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomUseItLinkText = "verwenden"; |
localizations.UserOptionsWindowChangePasswordGenerateRandomCancelLinkText = "Abbrechen"; |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuToggleText = "Umschalten"; |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllText = "Alle markieren"; |
localizations.MainCheckboxContextMenuUncheckAllText = "Alle entmarkieren"; |
localizations.KeywordsWindowHeaderText = "Schlüsselwörter"; |
localizations.KeywordsWindowUpdateLinkText = "Aktualisieren"; |
localizations.KeywordsWindowCancelLinkText = "Abbrechen"; |
localizations.BasketHeaderText = "Dateien in der Download-Liste"; |
localizations.BasketClearAllLinkText = "Liste entlehren"; |
localizations.BasketDownloadLinkText = "Dateien der Liste downloaden"; |
localizations.BasketDownloadAdvancedLinkText = "Dateien der Liste downloaden (erweitert)"; |
localizations.BasketNoFilesAvailableText = "Keine Dateien vorhanden"; |
localizations.BasketRemoveLinkText = "Entfernen"; |
localizations.BasketTotalItemText = "Gesamt {0} Objekt(e)"; |
localizations.BasketFileAddedAlreadyText = "Datei ist bereits in der Download-Liste"; |
localizations.BasketFileAddedAlreadyDetailsText = "Ausgewählte Datei ist bereits in der Download-Liste verfügbar"; |
localizations.BasketNothingSelectedToAddText = "Es ist nichts ausgewählt um es zur Download-Liste hinzuzufügen"; |
localizations.BasketNothingSelectedToAddDetailsText = " "; |
localizations.PasteFormHeaderText = "Einsetzen"; |
localizations.PasteFormResetButtonText = "Zurücksetzen"; |
localizations.PasteFormPasteButtonText = "Einsetzen"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorHeaderText = "Problem beim Einsetzen"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorDetailsText = "Es ist ein Problem beim Einsetzten aufgetreten.<br />Error : {0}"; |
localizations.PasteFormErrorNothingToPasteText = "Es gibt nichts einzusetzen"; |
localizations.WelcomeFormHeaderText = "Willkommen"; |
localizations.WelcomeFormOkButtonText = "OK"; |
localizations.SlideshowPopupHeaderText = "Diashow"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowHeaderText = "Freigaben bearbeiten"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowRefreshLinkText = "Aktualisieren"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowDeleteSelectedLinkText = "Ausgewählte Objekte löschen"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridToLabelText = "Empfänger"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridCCLabelText = "CC"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridCreatedLabelText = "Erstellt"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridExpiresLabelText = "Gültig bis"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridSharedItemsLabelText = "Freigabe Objekt"; |
localizations.ManageShareWindowGridDownloadsLabelText = "Downloads"; |
localizations.RenameWindowHeaderText = "Umbenennen"; |
localizations.RenamePanelSaveLinkText = "Sichern"; |
localizations.RenamePanelCancelLinkText = "Abbrechen"; |
localizations.TooltipNameLabelText = "Name"; |
localizations.TooltipSizeLabelText = "Grösse"; |
localizations.TooltipModifiedLabelText = "Geändert"; |
localizations.TooltipKeywordsLabelText = "Schlüsselwörter"; |
localizations.FormValidationFailText = "Ein oder mehrere erforderliche Einträge fehlen oder sind falsch. Füllen Sie bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder richtig aus."; |
localizations.DeleteConfirmationMessageText = "Gesamt {0} Ordner und {1} Datei(en) werden gelöscht.\n\nItems: {2} Kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!"; |
localizations.CopyActionGrowlText = "Gesamt {0} Ordner and {1} Datei(en) kopiert."; |
localizations.CutActionGrowlText = "Gesamt {0} Ordner and {1} Datei(en) ausgeschnitten."; |
localizations.TreeviewHeaderNameText = "Name"; |
localizations.TreeviewHeaderSizeText = "Grösse"; |
localizations.TreeviewHeaderModifiedText = "Geändert"; |
localizations.TreeviewHeaderKeywordsText = "Schlüsselwörter"; |
localizations.SelectItemOptionLinkText = "Auswählen" |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuToggleText = "Umschalten"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllText = "Alle Objekte"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuUncheckAllText = "Keine"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllFilesText = "Alle Dateien"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckAllFoldersText = "Alle Ordner"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckItemsWithDotText = "Objekte beginnend mit \".\""; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckTodayText = "Heute geändert"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckWeekText = "Diese Woche geändert"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheckMonthText = "Diesen Monat geändert"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheck2MonthsText = "In den letzten 60 Tagen geändert"; |
localizations.SelectCheckboxContextMenuCheck3MonthsText = "In den letzten 90 Tagen geändert"; |
localizations.PageSizeSelectionLinkText = "{0} Objekte auf Seite anzeigen"; |
At line 63 added one line |
/% |
At line 65 added 6 lines |
If you're wondering where you can put this customization, edit the WebInterface/localization/countrycode.js folder. This particular folder is safe from updates and changes you make to it will not be lost. Any other item you edit will be overwritten, and there is no scenario that requires altering any of the built in files in the WebInterface folder. If you think you need to, ask us, and we will tell you why you don't, and how to do what your needing to do in a safe manner. |
---- |
Here is a full list of items that could be modified. You just have to add them into the above example accordingly. The syntax is important as making changes here will affect the WebInterface.\\ |
\\ |
[] |