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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
prefs_webinterface_form.png 55.2 kB 2 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
prefs_webinterface_miniurl.png 56.6 kB 2 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
prefs_webinterface_options.png 76.7 kB 2 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
prefs_webinterface_proxy.png 53.1 kB 2 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
prefs_webinterface_text.png 46.7 kB 2 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink

This page (revision-9) was last changed on 05-Dec-2023 05:32 by Ada Csaba

This page was created on 05-Dec-2023 05:32 by Ben Spink

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Difference between version and

At line 10 changed one line
You can also do an auto login URL. In the example, the username is "demo" and the password is "demo". The w=5 specifies CrushFTP 5 WebInterface and not the CrushFTP 4 HTML interface. Finally the path=/demo/ indicates to start the user in the /demo/ folder.
You can also do an auto login URL. In the example, the username is "demo" and the password is "demo". The path=/demo/ indicates to start the user in the /demo/ folder.
At line 12 changed one line
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
9 05-Dec-2023 05:32 1.445 kB Ada Csaba to previous
8 05-Dec-2023 05:32 2.705 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
7 05-Dec-2023 05:32 2.587 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
6 05-Dec-2023 05:32 1.723 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
5 05-Dec-2023 05:32 1.817 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
4 05-Dec-2023 05:32 2.008 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 1.625 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
2 05-Dec-2023 05:32 1.194 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 0.586 kB Ben Spink to last
« This page (revision-9) was last changed on 05-Dec-2023 05:32 by Ada Csaba
G’day (anonymous guest)
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