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CrushClient Documentation

A leading "L" character instructs the client to apply the command to the local client versus to the remote client. lls would sit your current local folder, lcd changes the local folder. Only the file transfer commands do not have an "L" version. (put, get, diffput, diffget) If a path being references has a space in it, the path must be quoted. Example: put "some file.txt" "/some folder/my file.txt". Backslash quote escaping is permitted as well.

java -jar CrushTunnel.jar
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar file://c:/temp/
java -jar CrushTunnel.jar script my_commands.txt
Different ways to start CrushClient. If started with a script, no input will be taken, all input will be read line by line from the script as if you were physically typing it. Don't forget the quit command at the end or the client will wait indefinitely for more input... A script is typically ended with two lines. wait, then quit.
connect url
lconnect url
Example: or or The url must end with a slash. User and pass is optional in the URL, you will be prompted for them if omitted.
Disconnects from the currently connected client, for use when you want to change what client your connected with.
put /local/file/path [remote file path]
reput /local/file/path [remote file path]
appe /local/file/path [remote file path]
Transfers file/directory from local client to remote client. Example: put test.txt or put test.txt test_remote.txt or put /folder/test.txt file.txt or put /folder/test.txt /remote/test.txt
reput will resume the put based on the size of the remote item.
appe will start appending the current file to the target file.
Similar to the put command, but first calculates the differences between the files and then transfers just those differences. Remote side must be a CrushFTP server.
get /remote/file/path [local file path]
reget /remote/file/path [local file path]
Transfers file/directory from remote client to local client. Example: get test.txt or get test.txt test_local.txt or get /folder/test.txt file.txt or get /folder/test.txt /local/test.txt
reget will resume the download based on the target file's size.
Similar to the get command, but first calculates the differences between the files and then transfers just those differences. Remote side must be a CrushFTP server.
Prints out a unix styled directory listing of the remote or local side.
del /remote/path
ldel  /local/path
Deletes a remote file. Example: del /remote/test.txt
stat /remote/path
lstat /local/path
Gets info about the selected item and prints to the screen.
waits for active transfers to complete with the local or remote client and prints occasional statistics about in progress transfers.
delay {milli seconds}
Pauses CrushClient for the specific milliseconds to impose delays in command processing.
prints stats about current in progress transfers one time.
Aborts all in progress transfers.
exits the CrushClient, aborting any in progress transfers.
diff local/path remote/path
Lists the segments that are different between the two files.
set param value

Param list:
download_threads (default = 0 which is unlimited)
upload_threads (default = 0 which is unlimited)
skip_modified_and_size (default is true)
skip_modified (default is false, ignored if skip_modified_and_size is true)
skip_size (default is false, ignored if skip_modified is true or skip_modified_and_size is true)
keep_date (default is true)
multithreaded (default is true)
Sets a variable that can be later referenced, or sets different client properties on how the client acts. Example: set download_threads 10
Toggles the use of FTP passive mode.
Changes the current working directory for the local or remote client.
Prints the current working directory for the local or remote client.
mkd /remote/path
lmkd /local/path
Creates a new folder.
rename /remote/path1 /remote/path2
mv /remote/path1 /remote/path2
lrename /local/path1 /local/path2
lmv /local/path1 /local/path2
Renames an item, both must be specified in the command for source and destination.
quote anything
lquote anything
The anything section is passed to the remote server directly. Applies only to FTP connections.
mdcm /remote/path yyyyMMddHHmmss
lmdtm /local/path yyyyMMddHHmmss
Sets the modified date to the specified time.
config param value
lconfig param value
Sets a configuration parameter on the client. Undocumented for now, use the UI in CrushFTP to setup a config on a connection item and then view the raw XML for the config param it configured.
queue {id} add command
queue {id} reset
queue {id} run
Queues up commands in a list so they can later on be executed. Built a list of file transfers to do in a queue, then run it with the execute command. Useful for scripting load to the server.

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
crushclient.png 214.2 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
« This particular version was published on 05-Dec-2023 05:32 by Ben Spink.
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