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The plugin supports OpenID Connect (, an authentication protocol built on top of the OAuth 2.0 ( authorization framework.

!!! Constraints: It only works through HTTP or HTTPS protocol. Authorization Code Flow is supported (Implicit Flow or Hybrid Flow are not supported). It requires Enterprise License.

1. Identity Provider's (IdP) general configuration

The plugin requires the following IdP information and configuration:
• Client ID
• Client Secret: Authorization Code Flow requires it.
• Redirect URL: The redirect URL is the endpoint in your IdP application where the IdP directs the user after successful authentication. This URL receives the authorization code or access token as part of the authentication process. The redirect URL must target the CrushFTP server and conclude with /SSO_OIDC/. Like:


2. Plugin Configuration

2.1 IdP related settings


2.1.1 OpenID Configuration URL:

Dynamic endpoint:

This HTTP URL is part of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Discovery mechanism. It follows a standard called RFC 5785 (, which defines the use of .well-known URIs for discovering metadata about services. It queries this HTTP endpoint to configure itself dynamically, avoiding hard-coded values. The retrieved JSON document includes important endpoints and details like:
• Authorization endpoint
• Token endpoint
• User info endpoint
• Supported scopes and claims
• Public keys for verifying tokens

List of .well-known URLs for various identity providers and services that support OpenID Connect (OIDC):
Microsoft Azure AD:{tenant_id}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Microsoft Azure B2C: https://{tenant_name}{tenant_name}{policy}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Amazon (Cognito):    https://cognito-idp.{region}{userPoolId}/.well-known/openid-configuration
Okta:                https://{yourOktaDomain}/.well-known/openid-configuration
Auth0:               https://{yourDomain}

Local endpoint:

You can reference a local JSON file if the identity provider (IdP) does not support OpenID Connect but does support OAuth 2.0 (like Box cloud storage). Instead of specifying an HTTP URL, provide the path to a local JSON file, such as:

The JSON file should include the authorization endpoint. Example for Box cloud storage:

2.1.2 App registration related informations:

Client ID: Provide the Client ID (the unique identifier) of your IdP.
Client Secret: Provide the Client Secret of your IdP.

2.1.3 Authorization related settings:

Authorization URL: It is the endpoint where IdP initiates the authentication and authorization process. The default configuration would be:

• {authorization_endpoint}: Authorization URL of IdP. Retrieved from the OpenID Configuration JSON.
• {oidc_client_id}: Client Id of the IdP.
• {oidc_scope}: Reference the provided "Scope"(s) of plugin.
• {oidc_redirect_url}: Autogenerated value. The URL redirects the user after successful authentication. It must match the redirect URL registered and configured in the IdP.
• {oidc_state}:

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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
oidc_crushftp_related_settings... 137.0 kB 1 09-Jan-2025 07:29 krivacsz
oidc_dmz_plugin_settings.png 141.0 kB 2 09-Jan-2025 23:13 krivacsz
oidc_general_plugin_settings.p... 39.3 kB 1 09-Jan-2025 07:32 krivacsz
oidc_idp_related_plugin_settin... 176.0 kB 3 09-Jan-2025 23:17 krivacsz
oidc_login_buttons.png 59.4 kB 1 09-Jan-2025 07:50 krivacsz
« This particular version was published on 09-Jan-2025 03:09 by krivacsz.
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