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The plugin supports OpenID Connect (, an authentication protocol built on the OAuth 2.0 ( authorization framework. It facilitates user identity verification and enables single sign-on (SSO) capabilities, streamlining the authentication process for users.

Constraints: It only works through HTTP or HTTPS protocol. It requires Enterprise License.

1. Plugin Configuration

1.1 Identity Provider related settings


1. OpenID Configuration URL:

This URL is part of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Discovery mechanism. It follows a standard called RFC 5785 (, which defines the use of .well-known URIs for discovering metadata about services. It queries this endpoint to configure itself dynamically, avoiding hard-coded values. This JSON document includes important endpoints and details like:
• Authorization endpoint
• Token endpoint
• User info endpoint
• Supported scopes and claims
• Public keys for verifying tokens

List .well-known URLs for various identity providers and services that support OpenID Connect (OIDC):

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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
oidc_crushftp_related_settings... 137.0 kB 1 09-Jan-2025 07:29 krivacsz
oidc_dmz_plugin_settings.png 141.0 kB 2 09-Jan-2025 23:13 krivacsz
oidc_general_plugin_settings.p... 39.3 kB 1 09-Jan-2025 07:32 krivacsz
oidc_idp_related_plugin_settin... 176.0 kB 3 09-Jan-2025 23:17 krivacsz
oidc_login_buttons.png 59.4 kB 1 09-Jan-2025 07:50 krivacsz
« This particular version was published on 08-Jan-2025 06:29 by krivacsz.
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