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CrushFTP has two classes of licenses, either 'normal' or 'enterprise' licenses. You are never required to purchase one class or the other, it is always your choice.

Normal Licenses
These allow for most things in CrushFTP, and you get email support, but there are some features reserved only for enterprise licenses as the features are targeted towards that type of environment.

Enterprise Licenses
-Expedited Support: If you have an issue, or bug that needs addressing, it becomes the top priority over normal license requests.
-Free Upgrades: If your yearly maintenance is current, you get any major upgrades to CrushFTP that normally would have had upgrade fees. The first year's maintenance is included in the initial cost.
-Phone Support: Depending on the license level, you have emergency support during installation, or ongoing technical support for the year.

Enterprise Features

-High Availability CrushFTP can do session replication between multiple servers, internal, or in the DMZ. A Virtual IP can be dynamically moved to a machine that is online if the owner of the IP goes offline. The DMZ server can act as the front end to the internal server with automatic failover from one DMZ to the other using the virtual IP and multiple internal servers managing the DMZ servers.

-DMZ This is the ability to have a front-end server in your DMZ which is controlled, monitored, and managed from the internal server. Preferences, users, SSL keystores, SSH keys and all sent over in memory to the DMZ instance so no critical files are stored on disk in the DMZ.

-ServerBeat is a special protocol that will dynamically assign the specified IP between multiple CrushFTP servers.

- At IP Servers Server type : SOCKS

-The CrushTunnel can be used for overcoming bandwidth limitations imposed by network latency. This High Speed File Transfer allows full speed transmissions across the ocean, or continents. It's integrated into the web browser, can be run stand-alone, or even embedded into your own applications. For instance you could have a high speed proxy setup that when people connect through it, they get a secure connection to your server at higher bandwidth.

-Jobs scheduling and monitoring allows you to run specific task actions on a schedule, or manually. These could do things like picking up files from a remote server, PGP encrypting them, and sending them on to another remote server. It could also do custom native executable execution to process files found, or archive files. It's extremely customizable and flexible. You can monitor the output of the tasks to see their current progress, pause, resume, and cancel them.

-UserManagerEvents Enterprise license is required for URL matching on events.

-CrushBalance load balancer allows distributing load in front of your CrushFTP server and tracking where connections are originating from.

-Google Authenticator TOTP and SMS/Email based OTP validated logins.

-CrushSync allows for realtime file monitoring and synchronizations through the CrushFTP server. When a user makes a change, that change is send to the server, and other users subscribed to it get that change replicated on their end. You get unlimited installations of CrushSync.

-CrushDrop Take over attachments from Outlook to be sent to your CrushFTP server and a link inserted in place of them. (beta)

-CrushTask Jump Conditionals allows you to make tasks more complex and conditionally jump to other tasks based on the result from other actions.

-CrushTask POP3 / IMAP email monitoring for attachments allows you to pull out attachments from an email account and further process them with more tasks.

-CrushDuo allows you to configure two factor auth with Duo Security.

-SAMLSSO is for advanced users in an organization using SAML.

-Radius Authentication plugin allows you to authenticate against a Radius server to validate user credentials.

-Sharing files through the WebInterface can be directly to other users, and not just externally via email. When you do this, other users get access to the specific item you shared, and you can later on remove that access.

-RFile This VFS protocol allows impersonating a user in windows. A separate process is launched and all file operations are done in that process which is running in another user context.

-ManagedAgent This allows you to run stand alone agents of CrushTask that can have jobs from the main CrushFTP server sent to them.

-CrushOAuth This plugin allows you to delegate access of OAuth providers. Currently supported : Google Sign-In, Microsoft Sign-In

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« This particular version was published on 21-Feb-2024 07:14 by Ben Spink.
G’day (anonymous guest)
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