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Auto IP discovery refresh interval in minutes
List zip app
DMZ only listens for connections from master ServerBeat server
Restart Command
Server Start Message
Site acknowledgement
Geo ip access key

Date time related:
Show Date-Time
Log Date / Time Format
WebDAV Timezone Offset

Security related:
Slow Down Hack Attempt Scans
Default 'owner' of settings files
Default 'group' of settings files
Pre-check PGP decrypt on the fly downloads
Remember invalid usernames for x seconds
Trusted IP Parts

FTP specific,global:
Always do RETR in BINARY
Always do STOR in BINARY
Allow extended passive and port commands (EPSV/EPRT)
Allow local passive IP
Allow MLST
Allow listing subdirectories via LIST
File transfer mode

HTTP/S specific,global:
Disable Referer Cookie
RFC Proxy
HTTP Redirect Base

SFTP specific, global:
Allow 0 byte SSH file
Recurse SFTP Delete

File folder access/listings and processing related:
Allow Directory Caching
Use 'Is-la' for directory listings (OSX, Unix, Linux)
Count folder items
Case sensitive list search
Create home folder
Fix Slashes
Instant chmod
Sort Listings
Zip Compression Level
Zip64 Always
Disable MDTM modifications
Allow '.zipstream' Expansion
Delete partial uploads
Allow Magic '.filetree' Download
Unsafe filename characters
Replace unsafe filename characters with

User accounts related:
Default privs for new VFS items in User Manager
Track Last Logins
Keep x backups of users in User Manager
Force Lowercase Usernames

Performance related:
Allow re-use in Email Events
Run Events Asynchronously
Maximum jobs to scan for job monitor
Max Threads
Max items before CrushFTP tries to trigger an alert and logs errors about giant directories which may cause memory issues

Amazon S3 storage protocol specific:
Max Download Buffer
Download Threads
Upload Buffer
Upload Threads
Download Buffer
Disable uploads in progress and resume

Add new attachment

Only authorized users are allowed to upload new attachments.

List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
misc1.png 19.5 kB 2 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc2.png 28.8 kB 3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc3.png 18.4 kB 3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc4.png 23.5 kB 3 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ben Spink
misc5.jpg 243.7 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ada Csaba
miscv10.5.2.3.jpg 336.1 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ada Csaba
miscv10.jpg 193.2 kB 1 05-Dec-2023 05:32 Ada Csaba
« This particular version was published on 05-Dec-2023 05:32 by Ada Csaba.
G’day (anonymous guest)
CrushFTP11 | What's New

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