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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
account_expire_email.png 141.8 kB 1 01-Nov-2018 15:24 krivacsz
account_expire_job.png 146.5 kB 1 01-Nov-2018 15:11 krivacsz
account_expire_job2.png 143.0 kB 3 01-Nov-2018 15:17 krivacsz
account_expire_settings.png 170.0 kB 1 01-Nov-2018 14:53 krivacsz
account_expire_settings2.png 98.4 kB 1 01-Nov-2018 14:55 krivacsz
password_expire_settings.png 70.2 kB 1 01-Nov-2018 15:33 krivacsz
share_account_general_settings... 78.9 kB 1 01-Nov-2018 15:42 krivacsz
share_account_notify_email.png 128.2 kB 3 01-Nov-2018 15:52 krivacsz

This page (revision-28) was last changed on 01-Nov-2018 17:02 by Ben Spink

This page was created on 01-Nov-2018 14:39 by krivacsz

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Difference between version and

At line 1 changed one line
__Account expire notify in advance__\\
__Account expire notify in advance for user's in the UserManager__\\
At line 3 changed 3 lines
This settings allows you to notify the user about the account expiration in number of days before.\\
This settings allows you to notify a user that the account is about to expire in X days ahead of time.\\
At line 8 changed 2 lines
As a task to notify can be selected a Job(create a job and select the name of it) which contains a single email task.\\
You can select the task to you make which has an email task item in it.\\
At line 12 changed 2 lines
In the email task you can use variables to share infos about the user.\\
In the email task you can use variables to share info about the user that is expiring.\\
At line 17 changed one line
__Password expire notify in advance__\\
__Password expire notify in advance for users in the User Manager__\\
At line 20 changed 3 lines
This settings allows you to notify the user about the account expiration in number of days before.\\
Set a task to notify (same way as at Account expire notify in advance), and you can use the variables to share info about the user here too.\\
This settings allows you to notify a user that the account password is about to expire in X days ahead of time.\\
Set a task to use for notification (same configuration as the account expire notify in advance above).\\
At line 28 changed 4 lines
This settings allows you to notify the share recipient about the account expiration in number of days before.\\
Set a task to notify (same way as at Account expire notify in advance), and you can use the variables to share info about the share recipient here too.\\
This settings allows you to notify the share recipient about the account expiration which is coming up in X days.\\
Set a task to notify (same configuration as at account expire notify in advance), and you can use the variables to share info about the share recipient here too.\\ This global configuration is done on the admin, Shares, general settings.\\
At line 33 removed one line
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
28 01-Nov-2018 17:02 1.351 kB Ben Spink to previous
27 01-Nov-2018 17:02 1.367 kB Ben Spink to previous | to last
26 01-Nov-2018 15:50 1.286 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
25 01-Nov-2018 15:43 1.24 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
24 01-Nov-2018 15:41 1.172 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
23 01-Nov-2018 15:39 0.906 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
22 01-Nov-2018 15:34 0.907 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
21 01-Nov-2018 15:33 0.849 kB krivacsz to previous | to last
« This page (revision-28) was last changed on 01-Nov-2018 17:02 by Ben Spink
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