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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
LetsEncrypt.jar 4,377.4 kB 23 21-Apr-2022 10:17 krivacsz For Version 9.4.0 Build : 16
lets_encrypt.png 120.1 kB 7 27-Mar-2020 16:24 krivacsz version 4
lets_encrypt_header.png 34.9 kB 1 22-May-2019 05:19 krivacsz

This page (revision-43) was last changed on 18-Jan-2021 09:39 by Ada Csaba

This page was created on 30-Oct-2018 16:11 by Ben Spink

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Difference between version and

At line 23 changed one line
Domains : Multiple domains should be separated with a comma.\\
Domains : Sets the SAN (Subject Alternate Name) field of the cert, can be a single domain name, or multiple, in that case multiple domains should be separated with a comma. Subdomains are actually totally different domains than the parent domain, in case of a multi-domain cert, need to specify each subdomain name individually. That until Letsencrypt will allow wildcard certs.\\
At line 27 changed one line
Staging flag: It is for test mode. If the is true it will only generate a dummy jks, not a valid one.\\
Staging flag: It is for test mode. If this flag is toggled, we will only generate a dummy keystore in memory.\\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
43 18-Jan-2021 09:39 3.62 kB Ada Csaba to previous
42 18-Jan-2021 09:38 3.612 kB Ada Csaba to previous | to last
41 19-Oct-2020 14:23 3.294 kB Sandor to previous | to last
« This page (revision-43) was last changed on 18-Jan-2021 09:39 by Ada Csaba
G’day (anonymous guest)
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