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Citrix ShareFile supports external integration through an HTTP-based REST API.

Generate an api key using : - the redirect uri must be added (that requires that the admin should be logged in through an HTTPS, as citrix only allows https for redirect uri) like : https://www.example/?command=register_citrix_api, it also need to ends with ?command=register_citrix_api. attachments

The url should look like (Replace the * * with your corresponding data!):

azure://*Storage Account name | User name field*:*Access Key | Password Field**File Service Share name*/


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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
api_key.png 39.8 kB 1 30-Oct-2018 11:16 krivacsz
credentials.png 46.1 kB 1 30-Oct-2018 11:39 krivacsz
success.png 131.6 kB 1 30-Oct-2018 11:43 krivacsz
vfs.png 57.7 kB 1 30-Oct-2018 11:32 krivacsz
« This particular version was published on 30-Oct-2018 11:24 by krivacsz.
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