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This scenario is a special mode of CrushFTPDrive to make it act as a transparent SMB proxy to a CrushFTP server.

Example launch command (very long):

java -Dcrushftpdrive.base_url= -Dcrushftpdrive.server_ip= -Dcrushftpdrive.server_port=13000 -Duser.home=./ -Dcrushftpdrive.smbserver=true -Dcrushftpdrive.writeprefs=false -Dcrushftpdrive.writelog=false -Dcruftpdrive.writelogconsole=true -cp CrushFTPDrive.jar:alfresco-jlan.jar com.crushftp.client.smb.CrushFTPDrive -d drive_username=MyUser drive_password=password drive_auto=true drive_letter=CrushFTPDriveHome drive_auto_open=false map_drive=false

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« This particular version was published on 25-Oct-2018 04:31 by Ben Spink.
G’day (anonymous guest)
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