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CrushSync is an enterprise only feature. It provides real time file synchronizations through CrushFTP. The client runs on the local machine monitoring the specified folders. When a change is detected, the change is propagated to the CrushFTP server, and any other clients subscribed to that folder now get those same changes. Only the changed parts of large files are sent, compression is used to save on bandwidth, and bandwidth acceleration can be used as well. Client configurations can be pre-configured for deployment, and an advanced mode allows clients to encrypt the data at the client side so that the server can never access the raw data. Only clients that have the private key can. This allows for robust one way synchronizations where a client places a file in the folder, and its sent to the server encrypted, and downloaded and decrypted by other privileged clients. The client is launched as an automatically updating application over a web connection. You as the server administrator control when you want to update the application for end users.


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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
config_user1_osx.png 52.2 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
config_user2_win.png 109.5 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
crushsync-download_osx.png 49.6 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
crushsync-download_win.png 37.0 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
crushsync.png 56.0 kB 3 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
crushsync_active.png 99.9 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
crushsync_osx_win.png 312.7 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
file_upload_osx.png 124.0 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
saving_shortcut_app_osx.png 33.2 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
sync_webinterface.png 47.0 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
test_sync.png 133.2 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
usermanager_vfs_sync.png 132.0 kB 2 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
vfs_sync.png 32.7 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
windows_synched_file.png 133.1 kB 1 25-Oct-2018 04:31 Ben Spink
« This particular version was published on 25-Oct-2018 04:31 by Ben Spink.
G’day (anonymous guest)
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