These are useful for email events, and possibly some custom messages.
Every item in the user's user.xml file can be referenced with a "{user_<tag-name>}". This is the first area it attempts to match with variables that start with "{user_".
Specific to an event inside of the <LINE></LINE> tags.
{all} (a raw dump of the item's info.) {the_file_path} {the_file_name} {the_file_size} and {size} {size_formatted} human friendly version of {size} {the_file_error} {the_file_start} {the_file_end} {url} {display} {user_time} {path1} (piece #1 of the file's path) {path2} (piece #2) {path3} (piece #3, etc.) {path4} {path5}
Date time (time stamping) related:
{G} Era designator Text AD {y} Year Year 1996; 96 {Y} Week year Year 2009; 09 {M} Month in year Month July; Jul; 07 {w} Week in year Number 27 {W} Week in month Number 2 {D} Day in year Number 189 {J} Today's Julian date {d} Day in month Number 10 {F} Day of week in month Number 2 {E} Day name in week Text Tuesday; Tue {u} Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday) Number 1 {a} Am/pm marker Text PM {H} Hour in day (0-23) Number 0 {k} Hour in day (1-24) Number 24 {K} Hour in am/pm (0-11) Number 0 {h} Hour in am/pm (1-12) Number 12 {m} Minute in hour Number 30 {s} Second in minute Number 55 {S} Millisecond Number 978 {z} Time zone General time zone Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00 {Z} Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800 {X} Time zone ISO 8601 time zone -08; -0800; -08:00 {now} Current Java epoch date time in milliseconds {yesterday} Previous calendaristic day in Java epoch time in milliseconds
Next it searches the user properties in memory about the current session:
User session properties in memory:
{user_id} {user_number} {user_listen_ip_port} {user_listen_ip} {user_port} {user_ip} {user_protocol} {user_name} {user_email} {user_current_password} {user_the_command} {user_the_command_data} {user_current_dir} <--has the root VFS item on the dir path. {user_dir} <--does not have the root VFS item on the dir path. {user_dir} {user_logged_in} {user_log} {user_failed_commands} {user_session_commands} {user_refresh_user} {user_stat} {user_dieing} {user_pasv_connect} {user_last_logged_command} {user_session_uploads} {user_session_downloads} {user_session_download_count} {user_session_upload_count} {user_macbinary_enabled} {user_list_zip_dir} {user_list_zip_file} {user_list_zip_only} {user_list_zip_app} {user_list_dot} {user_zlibLevel} {user_last_file_real_path} {user_last_file_name} {user_login_date_stamp} {user_login_date} {user_login_date_formatted} {user_termination_message} {user_file_transfer_mode} {user_modez} {user_dataSecure} {user_secureType} {user_friendly_quit} {user_last_port_string} {user_last_time_remaining} {user_last_action} {user_sfv} {user_pause_now} {user_new_pass1} {user_new_pass2} {user_PASV_port} {user_sending_file} {user_receiving_file} {user_listing_files} {user_pasv_guessing} {user_do_normal_list} {user_dont_write} {user_dont_read} {user_dont_log} {user_didDisconnect} {user_adminAllowed} {user_sscn_mode} {user_file_length} {user_current_loc} {user_start_transfer_time} {user_end_part_transfer_time} {user_overall_transfer_speed} {user_current_transfer_speed} {user_seconds_remaining} {user_start_transfer_byte_amount} {user_bytes_sent} {user_bytes_received} {user_ratio_bytes_sent} {user_ratio_bytes_received} {user_start_resume_loc} {user_secure} {user_explicit_ssl} {user_explicit_tls} {user_require_encryption} {user_login_date_stamp} {user_login_date} {user_login_date_formatted} {user_password} {user_current_dir} {user_sessionid} {user_site_commands_text} {user_time_remaining} {user_paused} {user_bytes_remaining} {user_pasv_port} {user_ratio} {user_perm_ratio} when using LDAP integration {user_ldap_<ldap_key_name>} like {user_ldap_mail}, {user_ldap_sAMAccountName} , etc.
Overall server items:
{beep} {server_time_date} {login_number} {users_connected} {last_login_date_time} {last_login_ip} {last_login_user} {failed_logins} {successful_logins} {total_logins} {downloaded_files} {uploaded_files} {bytes_received_f} {bytes_sent_f} {total_bytes_f} {max_server_download_speed} {max_server_upload_speed} {bytes_received} {bytes_sent} {total_bytes} {current_server_downloading_count} {current_server_uploading_count} {current_download_speed} {current_upload_speed} {max_users} {ip} {beep_connect} {deny_reserved_ports} {deny_fxp} {about_info_str} {version_info} {start_time} {thread_count} {free_memory}
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This particular version was published on 25-Oct-2018 04:31 by Ada Csaba.
G’day (anonymous guest)
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